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Opposition Leader Arnhim Eustace (IWN file photo)
Opposition Leader Arnhim Eustace (IWN file photo)
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Opposition Leader Arnhim Eustace has described as “unsavory developments” the situation in Guyana, where President Donald Ramotar has prorogued Parliament to block a motion of no confidence in his government.

Ramotar has justified the decision saying he had earlier indicated a desire for the National Assembly, in its post-recess sittings, to deliberate and give priority to important matters relating to the development of the country.

But Eustace said in a statement that the regional integration grouping, CARICOM has not commented on the development, as had been the case when the opposition in St. Kitts and Nevis failed for two years to have a similar motion debated in Basseterre.

“We in the New Democratic Party of St. Vincent and the Grenadines have protested vigorously against the action taken by the government of St. Kitts and Nevis. Many CARICOM governments have maintained a stony silence on this matter and silence gives consent,” Eustace said.

“We now take note of the unsavory developments in Guyana where parliament has been prorogued to block a no confidence motion brought by the Opposition in that country. In the same way that our party unequivocally condemns the actions of the government of St Kitts Nevis we do likewise to the government of Guyana,” he said, adding “their actions are contemptible and an affront to democratic principles”.

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Eustace said in the case of Guyana, the Organization of American States (OAS) has condemned the development in Georgetown and the NDP welcomes the condemnation.

“But why treat St Kitts Nevis differently? To date I know of no OAS intervention or condemnation of the actions of the government in St Kitts Nevis.

“We in this region must speak out on this issue in the interest of parliamentary democracy. Will our sister CARICOM countries continue to maintain their silence?” Eustace said.

7 replies on “Eustace comments on political situation in Guyana”

  1. Eustace can you please stop talking about others business,and pay attention to your own.How can your party turn your back on the St kitts government for wrong doing and than bring that same man and his cabinet in St Vincent to talk on your behalf? I’m asking you to do yourself a huge favor,please leave politics alone. You are behind time,this is the 2014 and the world is total different,furthermore time is running out on you. I love St Vincent and I do not want you and your [crew] to destroy our great country.Yourself and your [crew] cannot come together as one body,because none of you has any plans for our great Country.Eustace please outline your plans for Vincentians, show Vincentian what you have in store for them they will love to know what they are getting?What great things you have to offer, these people in the best caribbean Island in the West Indies deserves the best and only my PM has their best at heart for Vincentians,he is someone who will beg and do what ever he has to for Vincentians without looking back.

    1. Now I understand why the ULP have been in power for this long. It is because of brain dead people who can’t even think for themselves. Wender what are you talking about? Denzil Douglas is the PM in St Kitts, you should check out some of his videos on Youtube he’s the king of subtlety. Dr Timothy Harris is the opposition leader in St Kitts, he is the one who came here. He and the PM of SVG are best buds, Dr Ralph didn’t say a word to him. Mr Eustace and Keith Michelle of Grenada are the only ones who tried to stand up for the people of St Kitts.

      It’s confused people like you who don’t even know up from down that has us like this state. It’s real sickening stuff. You mean to tell me that you like Ralph so much and you don’t even know why? Start making some sense quick.

      1. By He, I mean Denzil Douglas, he and the PM of SVG are best buds and the PM never said a word to him for the nasty things he’s doing and saying in St Kitts. I wonder why.

  2. Well, well, well. This must be a joke. Is this the same Eustace who disrespects the parliament and governance in SVG by not doing the work of important government committee and boycotting parliament left right and center for flimsy petty reasons? Right now, no one but the NDP sychopants will respect Eustace on these matters. The PPP in Guyana will soon reply to Eustace and we will all see the foolishness of Eustace and the NDP. What ah pity Eustace and the NDP has become. RING THE BELL COMRADE, OH RING THE BELL!!!

  3. Of course you two jokers will uphold the behavior of the men who refuse to go the democratic way. Your leader (Ralph) is made of the same stuff. He ignores any call for transparency and a true democratic system. He uses parliament as a playing field, so why should the opposition join him playing the arse with people’s lives.
    With close to 40 murders on Ralph’s watch you see nothing wrong with our society? You guys are a sick bunch who should all travel to Cuba (like Ralph) for treatment.

    1. PVPALMER, your attitude and those like it are why the NDP will stay as Opposition as far as the future goes. Vincentians are watching NDPites like you closely and will register their disgust soon.

  4. Gentlemen I couldn’t agree more. This is the problem I have with Mr EUSTACE and the NDP. These people love to talk. Talks, talks, very little action. Mr EUSTACE pick out certain topics to speak on and ignore the rest. Here is a well educated, trained ECONOMIST, leader of a political party with a solid political based. Where is Mr EUSTACE and the NDP on issue that is affecting the people of SVG. Missing in action. For instance, the FLOW issue where does they stands silent. On the topic of EBOLA, where is the NDP voice, still silent. Weeks upon weeks they’ll proclaimed to this nation they are ready are these people for real?

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