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The Dynamite Calypso Tent of New York has elected a new Executive Committee, led by President Ainsley Primus.

The secretary is Raquel Richardson; treasurer, Gailene Windsor; Public relations Officer, John Dougan; and committee members Denis Bowman, Ian Gordon, and Cauldric Forbes.

In an address after his election, president of the Dynamite Calypso Tent, Ainsley Primus, stated that Dynamites recognises the need for change.

He stressed that the Dynamite Calypso Tent cannot operate as tents did 20 years ago, hence there is a need for change due to the demands of the younger generation and technological changes.

In this context he called for a higher sense of urgency to move the Tent forward.

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He emphasised a need to establish more linkages with the broader community, including organisations, and to inspire people to join and support the Tent.

He suggested that the Tent establishes short-term and long-term goals.

The Tent’s activities for 2015 are as follows:

  • May 15th- Tent Opening
  • May 29th- Preliminary of the National Calypso Monarch competition
  • June 13th- BBQ
  • October 24th- Independence song competition