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group photos Taiwan Medical Team

Dr. Shou-Tung Chen, one of the top breast cancer surgeons in Taiwan, will be among a team from Taiwan Changhua Christian Hospital (CCH) that will visit St. Vincent and the Grenadines from May 22 to June 11.

It will be the ninth visit of the CCH medical team to SVG since 2010 and the first for 2016.

Dr. Chen will deliver two lectures to the medical staff at MCMH and local clinics.

The team, headed by Dr. Hsiao Ling Kao, will include a general and breast surgeon, an emergency medicine doctor, a Chinese medicine doctor, a dentist and two nurses.

During the visit, the team will work closely with colleagues at Milton Cato Memorial Hospital and visit other communities to provide medical services to Vincentians.

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MCMH and CCH were twined in August of 2010.

Since then, the two hospitals have strengthened their cooperation and interaction continuously.

In 2016, three officials and a nurse from SVG will visit CCH to participate in training programmes offered by CCH.