A Vincentian woman is scheduled to appear in court in Barbados on Thursday to answer four cocaine-related charges.
Desrey Vernice Stowe, a 35-year-old mother of two, has been charged with possession of 1.5 kilogrammes of cocaine, possession with intent to supply, trafficking and importation.
Stowe arrived in Barbados from St. Vincent by air on Monday, reportedly on the last flight from St. Vincent to Barbados.
When Customs officials searched her luggage, two bottles containing a liquid were allegedly found.
Police in Barbados say tests revealed the liquid to be cocaine.
Although I am a libertarian on the use of all drugs — off-the counter, prescription, restricted, and prohibited — until the laws are changed (as they are slowly but surely with marijuana in many places), at least I hope this woman receives the same penalty that a man would receive for this offence.
Why wouldnt she, C. ben? Nookie?
C. ben, unrelated to this story: I just read that 6 major airlines are already beginning flights to Cuba. With all your information and knowledge about the airport here, it is noteworthy making a comparison of the airport’s potential along with the tourism potential of SVG compared to Cuba. Do you think that soon maybe the only tourists we will be getting here are those of SVG decent and those that cannot speak Spanish? Will Cuba expedite English as a second language and even reduce our potential even more? The greed of our people and government is of course the main reason we are not growing in tourism, (prices are too high for minimum quality) but also our incompetence in being able to insure we do anything to the highest standard. We seem to be bent on doing things at a minimum standard at the highest price and in a nutshell that is keeping us handicapped in most all industries. Are we doomed or what?