“Sweet Temptation” has secured the Band of the Year title for Guinness, BMC Agencies, Hitz FM 103.7 Blondie Bird & Friends.
The victory returns the band to the pinnacle off which Digicel Nelson Bloc had knocked them in 2015.
But, this year, 37 points and two bands separated Blondie Bird and Nelson Bird, which placed 4th.
Metrocint General Insurance Co. Ltd. High Voltage Mas Production was second with its production “All That Lathers”, which attracted 506 points — 25 points less than the first place winner.
SVG Players International’s presentation, “Brazil” was third, with 498 points.
Digicel Nelson Bloc’s “Vincy Sweet Vincy Nice” was fourth with 494 points, while Lynx Mas Band’s “Send This Send That”, amassed 476 points for 5th position.
In the Uptown judging, Nelson Bloc (416) was first, followed by
Digicel Nelson Bloc (416 points),
Blondie Bird second (409 points), SVG Players International third (397 points), Ahdrenalin (367 points) and Mirage Productions (366 points).
Blondie Bird also won the Junior Band of the Year title, with Nelson Bloc, High Voltage, SVG Players,
Imagination Mas Band and
Melbourne Artisans following, in that order.
In the Section of the Bands competition, “Powder Soap” from High Voltage’s “All that Lathers” was first, followed by Blondie Bird & Friends’ “Social Media”; “Sunset Strong Rum” from Lynx Mas Band; Imagination’s “Pisces”, and “The Chewa” from Melbourne Artisans.