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FirstCaribbean International Bank in Kingstown. (iWN file photo)
FirstCaribbean International Bank in Kingstown. (iWN file photo)
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Police in St. Vincent and the Grenadines are on the hunt for two men who robbed a company in Kingstown of an undisclosed sum of money.

Two employees of P.H. Viera & Co. Ltd. were robbed at gunpoint during a daring daylight robbery on Monday.

The robbery took place just outside FirstCaribbean International Bank on Halifax Street, Kingstown.

iWitness News understands that the employees were on their way to the bank when the robbery occurred around 10:15 a.m.

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The two male employees — one with a bag containing the cash and another who accompanied him — were walking between vehicles parked just outside the entrance of the bank when the robbery occurred.

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Two men approached the employees and one of the robbers pointed a gun at the employee who had the bag with the cash and demanded that he hand it over.

The other robber grabbed the bag and the two men escaped by running in the direction of Richmond Hill, passing under the gallery at the Post Office.

The company confirmed the robbery but did not disclose the amount of money.

iWitness News understands that the employees were about to make a deposit of the company’s weekend earnings.

A senior company official expressed alarm at the development, saying that it was unsettling to know that such a crime could occur in the city in close proximity to where a similar crime occurred a few years ago.

In June 2013, a postal worker was robbed of EC$100,000 in cash as she made her way from another bank to the post office in Kingstown, which is located close to FCIB.

A police officer who went to her assistance was shot but the robbers.

He survived his injuries.

4 replies on “PH Viera employees robbed in Kingstown”

  1. This is frightening. I doubt this happened by chance. Those robbers must have been observing the movements of people going to and from the bank. I guess it’s a wake up call to businesses that it’s not safe to be transporting cash to the bank without armed guards.

  2. Kelvin Pompey,t hough you are correct that it didn’t happen by chance, I fear that it is more sinister than you say.

    To me, it looks very much like an inside job, a modus operandi we should all be familiar with given how many examples we have had over the years.

  3. Unbelievable! In this day and age, where the criminal elements in vincyland are as vicious as anywhere you can imagine but yet we have folks walking around with a ton load of money with little or no security.

    How dotish can you be, after seeing what happened to the Post office workers carrying out similar duties? pH veira deserve a bulwood for putting their workers lives in jeopardy. All business places and individuals have to take far more precaution in carrying out such endeavor.

    But having said all that, these robberies seem suspicious and I think they are inside jobs. I believe the robbers are tipped off as to when and where the workers would be taking the money.

    I think the police should be questioning this “Senior company official” he or she sounds a bit sketchy… Unsettling? Your workers could have been killed and all you can say, it’s “unsettling?”…Lock this fool up!

  4. Here again the absence of cameras is a problem throughout SVG. Banks should install cameras right around the building and all businesses in Kingstown should do the same thing. Something doesn’t add up here!

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