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GHS Young Leaders
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This past weekend, the St. Vincent Girls’ High School RBTT Young Leaders were again hard at work on another major project, along with one that was a repeat of an earlier venture.

On Saturday, several young ladies from the GHS RBTT Young Leaders Collaborated with nurses from the Retired Nurses Association to conduct the “Know Your BP (Blood Pressure), Get Ah GT (Glucose Test)” project. The team travelled to four communities — Roseau, Calliaqua, Belair and Layou — with the aim of checking the blood pressure of residents and performing glucose tests as well.

With the assistance of teachers from the GHS RBTT Young Leaders team and even parents, the girls and nurses were able to reach and assist over 100 persons.

This initiative was conducted under the health and wellness aspect of the students’ theme, “Volunteering Today, Impacting In Every Way”. Each team walked from house to house in the chosen communities to locate persons who were interested have the blood pressure glucose tested.

Residents were very willing to take part, noting that checking their blood pressure and glucose level was very important.

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The nurses also provided counselling to those who needed it.

After their check-up, each resident received a pamphlet with health tips and a healthy recipe, as well as complimentary fruit bowls that were prepared by Role Model Fruits, to encourage them to live and eat well. Through the assistance of Coreas Pharmacy, the enterprise was a success and the project was lauded my many of those who participated.

The GHS RBTT Young Leaders expressed thanks to the Retired Nurses Association for all the guidance and assistance they provided in every aspect of this initiative.

The group’s work continued on Sunday, with another Breakfast with the Homeless event. Breakfast was provided for over 100 persons at the Catholic Church’s Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen in Rose Place (Bottom Town).

The initiative, again, focused on providing a hardy breakfast for the less fortunate. The food was prepared by the GHS RBTT Young Leaders and served by them as well.

An interactive devotional session was held before breakfast was given to those present at the soup kitchen, as well as persons in the immediate environs.

This endeavour was as successful as the last and many individuals were able to receive a hearty breakfast and great fellowship that morning, the group said.

The GHS RBTT Young Leaders urge the members of the Vincentian public to be good to each other.

“Remember to volunteer today so that we can all make an impact in every way.”