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The accused in police photos taken after their arrest in September 2o17. From left: Twanecia Ollivierre, Taylor Mofford, and Alana Hudson.
The accused in police photos taken after their arrest in September 2o17. From left: Twanecia Ollivierre, Taylor Mofford, and Alana Hudson.

Three teenaged girls appeared at the Serious Offence Court on Wednesday, charged with Monday’s stabbing death of 23-year-old Simonia Da Silva of Fairhall.

The three are: Twanecia Ollivierre, 19, unemployed of Campden Park; Alana Hudson, 19, a secretary of New Montrose; and Taylor Mofford, 18, unemployed of Belmont.

The accused murderers were not required to plea to the indictable charge when they appeared before Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne-Matthias.

Senior Prosecutor Adolphus Delplesche told the court that the investigator has identified 26 witnesses and is asking for three months before the commencement of a preliminary inquiry.

The trio was remanded in custody and the matter was adjourned to Dec. 7, 2017.

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Hudson wept as she sat on the prisoners’ bench inside the court, triggering a stern rebuke from the magistrate, who remarked, “I don’t want no sound of weeping in here! It is not your home now! Get it together!”

As the young ladies were escorted to court in the back seat of a police pick-up truck, a modest crowd gathered outside the building in Lower Kingstown Park, hoping to get a glimpse of them.

As they exited the vehicle the accused murderers hid their faces from media cameras and a number of persons, presumably relatives, wept.

And as they passed persons in the corridor, which also doubles as a waiting area, one woman, said to be Taylor’s mother, began to cry loudly.

She was reprimanded by a police officer, who asked her to take her “moaning” elsewhere so as to not disrupt the court.

Da Silva was stabbed in the yard of her house between midnight and 1 a.m. Monday as she and her family tried to make their way home after an altercation with a group of people, said to members of the “Outlaw Crew”.

Her younger sister, Crystal Da Silva, has recounted to iWitness News how she and her mother and stepfather were kept at bay by a volley of glass bottles and watched helplessly as Simonia was repeatedly stabbed outside her home.

She was rushed to hospital, where she died.

Her death brings to 24 the number of homicides in St. Vincent and the Grenadines this year.

15 replies on “Female teens charged with murder appear in court”

  1. This really angers me. I hope they get the death penalty or life in prison without the possibility of parole.

  2. Anger is one thing, but a matter to heart felt sadness is another. To live with the memories of terror and helplessness, not being able to be safe in your own home/yard ? Yes a mob and yes young and wayward in numbers, but where are the neighbours, where are the sensible ones who stood by and let this just happen? I understand anger, this it utter sadness. Id not even think that such things would take place in little SVG, least of all by females. #Shocking

    1. I totally agreed with you Omar Bulze all this brawl and not one neighbour can to they aid or better yet call the police omg this really greive my heart to watch helplessly which a loved one got butchered to death […] man

    2. Good comment Omar. Those are feeling many of us have. A very shocking and sad trend is developing in SVG. We need real leadership in SVG very soon before it gets too bad. I feel as if we are at a funeral. The death of our society.

  3. Take in mine that 3 was charge for the same crime if by chance 1 of them is found no guilt the other have to walk free that how the system work and lawers know how to work this case because 1 of the girls going say I didn’t do it and the system will crumble

    1. Even if one said she didn’t do it stI’ll charge all of them with the same crime they are all accomplice they were present when the crime was taking place

  4. Cindy Gonsalves says:

    Those girls have no remorse look at their faces as the judge said why are you crying now the young girl was screaming for her life and you felt you needed to end it like you gave her life. I am sorry the others in prison don’t make your lives just as bad as she had to endure.

  5. They went there with intention to kill her this was plan and they need to pay for it those worthless on good satan wives

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