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Milton Cato Memorial Hospital. (iWN file photo)
Milton Cato Memorial Hospital. (iWN file photo)

The Accident and Emergency Department of the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital will receive a facelift soon as a number of private sector entities partner with the government to improve the nation’s main healthcare facility.

Wayne Hull, country manager of FLOW, told a Ministry of Health event in Kingstown on Monday that his company will give the department a facelift and will install a 50-inch flat screen television in the waiting area.

The services on the television would also be donated.

At the ceremony, Hull also presented a cheque for EC$5,000 to the hospital.

Donations to Hospital
FLOW has donated a television, a modem, EC$5,000 in cash and will refurbish the waiting area of the Accident and Emergency Department of the hospital. (iWN photo)

He said that his company believes that the hospital is one of the most important institutions in the country as it serves each resident, directly or indirectly.

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Hull said that FLOW, as part of its efforts to connect communities and transform lives, jumped at the opportunity to make a contribution.

In addition to the donation to the accident and emergency unit, the telecommunication company is providing an internet connection to the major surgical wards to be used, to some extent, in telemedicine.

Hull said that his company hopes that the donations would go a long way in improving the services provided at the hospital.

Also donating to the hospital was Andrew Miller, of Andrew’s Refrigeration, whose company has agreed to provide air conditioning for the oncology department, which is expected to begin operating soon.

Miller in telling the event what he thinks of the hospital and health service, started by saying that a few months ago he was at the hospital in a serious, “detrimental” position.

He said he noted how the doctors and nurses paid attention to him, trying their best to ensure that he recovered.

“And because of the service they have provided to me, our company, Andrews, is very happy to be onboard with the health system,” he said as he pledged his company’s commitment to ensuring that the oncology clinic is cool and comfortable for the patients.

Speaking at the event, Bernadette Ambrose-Black said that Ian and Candy Veira donated a fridge for vaccines for new-born babies, while their company, Singer, has donated another fridge for medication for the oncology unit

Donations to hospital 2
Andrew Refrigeration will provide air conditioning services for the oncology department, which will open soon. (iWN photo)

She further announced that National Properties Ltd., a state-owned firm, has donated a television set as well as an amplifier for the public announcement system at MCMH.

Guardsman, a security firm, will assist by providing an electronic door system for the accident and emergency department.

And, Minister of Health, Sen. Luke Browne, said that there will always be limitations to the extent of healthcare that the nation can provide.

He, however, said that the question should be how are these limitations to be addressed.

The health minister said the private sector has responded and should be thanked, adding that good things are happening at the MCMH and this comes about as a result of partnerships.

He noted the Bible passage that says one’s heart would be where one’s treasures are.

Browne said that the donations show that the hearts of donors are with healthcare, patients, and people who need their help.

Speaking about the improvements to the waiting area of the A&E Department, Browne said it is not that his government wants persons to wait unduly long there but wants them to be as comfortable as possible.
The Ministry of Health also used the opportunity to present tokens of appreciations to the donors.

One reply on “Businesses making improvements to MCMH ”

  1. On the one hand it is sad that the government does very little for improvements to our healthcare, and we have to get the private sector to do so. Even much of the medicines come from donations from the Private Sector and other governments that seem to care about the health of Vincentians more than our own government. Then the government turns around and imposes punishing taxes, fees and duties on the Private Sector and makes them travel on terrible roads and the children to go to schools with leaking roofs.
    It makes one wonder why anyone would vote for this. Or are they voting for galvanize, lumber and reduced taxes on barrels at Christmas time. If the NDP were in office would they do the same? Will Vincentians ever have leadership that knows how to improve the nation in a sustainable manner where opportunity, provides jobs and security? All I know is that what we have now is terrible. A leader that is there for himself, his friends and family and the rest of the people can rot as far as he cares. All he has to say is “I love you” and the weak-minded will fall to their knees and kiss his feet in worship.

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