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Ahkino Rhynd will serve 18 months in jail. (Photo: Facebook)
Ahkino Rhynd will serve 18 months in jail. (Photo: Facebook)

Ahkino Rhynd, a 32-year-old labourer of Canouan has been jailed for sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl.

He was arrested on May 18 and charged for gross indecency and indecent assault of the monor.

Rhynd appeared before the Family Court on Tuesday and plead guilty to the charges.

He was sentenced to six months in jail for the charge of gross indecency and 18 months for the charge of indecent assault.

The sentences are to run concurrently.

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18 replies on “Canouan man jailed for sex act with minor”

  1. Annis Creese says:

    These laws in SVG need to be changed because a sentence of 18 months for such a serious act is not severe enough. I know that her parents will not be satisfied with those few months behind bars. He messed with an innocent 5 year old. Is he sane or insane? May God protect this child!

    1. C. ben-David says:

      Ms. Creese, please get a new dictionary or start using the one you have: “concurrently” means “at the same time” while “consecutively” means “one after the other”.

      This man will serve only 12 months which is also as wicked and corrupt in its brevity as the crime he committed.

      1. Vincy Lawyer says:

        C Ben, you are wrong in terms of the term of sentence. Based on the two sentences being ran concurrently, he will serve 18 months, which is the longer of the two sentences.

        Where did you get 12 from?

        No need to be snotty especially when you are wrong!

    2. Man! i am here thinking the same thing, why the hell the judge just didn’t free this guy 18 month who the hell get that for doing with this guy did to a innocent 5 year old, he should of been facing years in jail, wtf.

  2. Mr Chance, didnt you not just state the facts of the case without “details” that would leave a nasty taste in the mouths of your readers?

    This is all we were asking from the beginning. Thank you!!!!

    In other news, this man is a sick and nasty human being and I say that without apology!

    1. Well said.
      Sometime it’s a huge turn off to read the raw materials from the court on this online news media. I’m wondering if there’s a broadcasting commission in SVG to filter some of the contents from the journalists.

      1. Vincy Lawyer says:

        I think there is a dire need for ethical consideration training for court reportings inter alia

  3. OMG really, and we wonder why these pervs do what they do. They do it because the justice system in SVG don’t work for the victims, it only work for the attackers. This is no justic. Soon he will be out and back at it. This is a very sad day. I’m still in shock :((((((

  4. Average Joe says:

    SMFH…….IF that was my child he would be DEAD…F^*king nasty bastard ,hope you get yours in prison.
    And who is the judge that gave that sentence?!!! What a big F^*king joke !! More encouragement for these sick people to do there nasty act and get away with it…. SHAME SVG!!!! SHAME

  5. Wow what a shame you didn’t mention the judge name in this travesty of Justice in stories like this one you always mention the judges names why not this one ????

  6. Are these judges serious? What message are they sending to potential criminals of such sick actions? This guy had a 5 year old perform a sex act that some adults choose not to engage in,yet a “slap on the wrist?”

  7. I live in York York and trust me he would’ve get at least 10-15 years in jail, the sentence that was given to this guy is ridiculous, if that was my child, he would have to run whenever he comes out of jail… and yes I am Vincy…

  8. It’s really a dirty act this pervert performed on an innocent 5 yr old! I can understand the feelings expressed above. He truly deserves more jail time, perhaps with some flogging. However, it would definitely be nice if persons who vent their feelings do so without using indecent language. Using such language is not civilized and is also disrespectful to the only true and living God. Ephesians 4:29; John 17:3.

  9. Agustus Carr says:

    This man is part of a network of peadophiles who have preyed on young Vincentian girls. We have tolerated sex with minors for a very very long time. This has become so pervasive that it defy ones imagination.

    The Government and the police has been an abject failure on this issue. Mini van drivers, corporate men, school teachers and bus conductors are some of the main culprits. Many parents tolerated it. The police turned a blind eye to it and the politician seem not to care.

    It’s a real shame that we do not deal with sex crimes more decisively. It is imperative that we safeguard our children and adults who are frequently exploited by these predators. There needs to be a new focus on policing these types of crimes. Let’s see what happens…

  10. Thom spoody says:

    It’s indeed painstakingly touching and bitter to the bone when the police who would’ve done exceptionally well in investigating such incidents whenever they’re reported, laying the most suitable charges and bringing these heartless beasts before the courts to be tried, only to be faced with the sordid reality that a ‘spank on the wrist’ sentence is only what these criminals receive when the court finds them guilty. This is ultimately and especially sad for both the victims of these crimes and their loved ones. Furthermore, it is even shameful on the part of the justice system and on us as a nation with these ridiculously unsatisfactory sentences that are being passed on these seasoned criminals for their heinous crimes.

    Moreover, it is now public knowledge that magistrates tend to exercise a bit of leniency on perpetrators who would’ve either pleaded guilty to a charge at their first appearance (as in the case of this perpetrator) or who would’ve appeared as a first time offender before a court. Therefore, I’m of the firm belief that it is safe to say that the adjudicator in this particular matter may have not just extended – but STRETCHED ‘the arm of leniency’ to this offender.

    1. It is not just the magistrate acting on his own.

      In law, a guilty plea contributes to lessening of one’s sentence. In most cases, its 1/3 off the maximum charge of the crime and yes the court before sentencing MUST consider all MITIGATING or AGGRAVATING circumstances.

      To ignore these principles will be the easiest gateway to appeal sentences by a defence counsel.

      I do empathize but empathy cannot be a consideration in sentencing.

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