A Cuba-born Vincentian nurse is dead and her husband is in police custody after a shooting incident, Thursday afternoon, at a secondary school in Kingstown where one of their sons is a student.
Dead is Arianna Taylor-Israel who succumbed to a gunshot, reportedly fired by her husband, Mitch Israel, at St. Martin’s Secondary School (SMSS).
A well-placed law enforcement source told iWitness News that officers from the Criminal Investigation Department, in Kingstown, responded to a call, Thursday afternoon, that a woman had been shot at SMSS at Kingstown Park.
When detectives arrived, the woman had already been taken to hospital.
Witnesses told police that a male assailant had shot the woman then fled the scene in motor vehicle P1123.
The woman is said to have died at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital – where she worked — and had been taken for medical attention.
Sources say that police have launched an investigation into what is being considered the first homicide in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) for 2020.
Taylor-Israel was among the first set of nurses to arrive in SVG amidst a shortage of nurses when the Unity Labour Party came to office — in 2001.
Mitch and Arianna had been married for some 15 years and had two boys, the older of whom is a student at SMSS.
Arianna is said to have gone to the school to pick up her son when the shooting occurred.
Mitch is the brother of Ronald Israel, then 47, who, along with Ronald’s mother, Avis Israel, a 75-year-old retired nurse, was bludgeoned to death at their home in Dasent Cottage in November 2016.
The duo died in a killing spree allegedly embarked upon by Jurani Baptiste, then 18, of Old Sandy Bay, who is said to have a history of mental illness.
Baptiste is awaiting trial in connection with those killings.
What does this case has to do with this present occurrence? #SMH!
The average Vincentian men and women grew up in homes where mom and dad constantly curse, utter hurtful words, one commits infedelity, physical abuse etc. The kids are usually present and view this toxic behaviour. After a while this becomes the kid’s normal. The kid grows up , married , have kids and perpetuates the same abusive behaviour as his/her parents…On at least one occasion he gives into his emotions and physically lashes out .( Kids from emotionally and physically abusive homes usually never attain emotional maturity)…Their kids sees these destructive behviour.. and the cycle continues!!! Welcome to a society where domestic violence is rampant!! Destructive family homes is like simmering volcano…only a matter of time before it erupts.
A tragedy-prone family? May that curse be broken in Jesus’ name over that family.
One of our hard working ñurse
Loved her profession
Loved her family
Will be greatly missed
God make a way for her boys please
Why do we have so much violence here in SVG? It seems as if most of the people are frustrated and live without hope.
If the previous murder connected to that family occured in 2016, why has it not yet come to trial?
Is Justice so low a priority in SVG that the government refuses to grant “speedy trials”?
The year is 2020 and that first crime was in 2016. Does the “Justice System” not see a problem? Or do they want witnesses to die of old age in the meantime or use the “I cannot recall” answer to most questions?
Sometimes I wonder if we are not just getting more and more stupid throughout the entire SVG Government.
Who is leading this exercise of lackadaisy anyway. Doesn’t the leadership care or are they too incompetent to take charge? If it was one of thier friends or family members then we would see a speedy trial.
Sad indeed
Outrageous, egregious and foolish act committed in front of his son’s school shattering his moral in the process. Did he even think about his children and what did this woman do to deserve such a heinous act to be committed against her.
My goodness, what is wrong with people….
Sin is the problem and Jesus is the answer
St Vincent I find very valiant against woman this men should be put death I meet one woman in Canada she tel me she had to run from her husband them the wicked to woman
How terrible! There is no excuse for a husband to mistreat his wife let alone murder the woman, the mother of his children. The dangerous ruthless animal should to be put in prison for life and be made a batty-man.
The SVG community must surely be truamatised. How do men get off by killing women? looks as if some Vincy men don’t love woman?
I love women. I love that they make themselves pretty and clean. I love women with beautiful healthy bodies. I love smart women. I love that they are soft, tender, thoughtful. I love women who make themselves fiercely attractive. Most of all they are our mothers and sisters, women rights ought to be respected. They are not property to be used and abused. They are meant to be loved, treated with care and understanding. NOT JUST TO MAKE BABIES AND BE MURDERED. […]ing asses.
Is there a functional justice system in SVG?
Give your life to the Lord for you know not when is your last day.
Bring back the death penalty those who kill let them be Kill by