This video, filmed close to the mouth of the Buccament River on Tuesday, illustrates the impact of the ongoing drought, the worst in St. Vincent and the Grenadiens for 72 years, on river flow.
The Buccament River feeds the Central Water and Sewerage Authority’s Dallaway Water System.
The CWSA’s has been forced to ration water to 50% of its customers and invoke the nation’s water restriction provisions.
KC this water affair is not only to do with drought/low rainfall. It is also bad management and oversight. Instead of constantly maintaining and modernizing the storage/ sanitation/distribution systems. They sit in their jobs blind to the needs of people.
The issues in the grenadines must be distressing. But they say they have plans for a water plant in Bequia. long overdue and all.
How long has the people in north leeward been living with the current situation? Right in the middle of the pandemic.
And, if you look into this important issue you will probably find out some intering things. But, if you look at it from a social economic point you will find another set of issues.
correct: not intering but interesting, sorry.
Well done Kenton, I applaud you.
Your passion is clearly expressed in your profession.
This demonstrates your moral responsibility to your country.
KC there are many layers to this [story]. On a narrative level you make the story coherent. Which you’ve done in the VO. About the cut-points, don’t cut in the middle unless you going to repeat the action(camera or your subject) or you could fix it with a preset transition. A very popular transition these day that you see all over TV everywhere especially for new reports is the fade to color (white)ending at the cut. You can apply that to your graphics too. Any marquee.