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Some of the firearms found on the aircraft in the United States in August.
Some of the firearms found on the aircraft in the United States in August.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) police chief, Colin John says the jet intercepted in Miami in August, “fully loaded, from the cockpit back to the lavatory, with cases and boxes of weapons, ammunition and household goods” was not bound for SVG, notwithstanding the declaration on the flight plan filed with U.S authorities.

The jet loaded with guns, ammunition, and cash set to depart the United States in August with St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) as its destination might have come to the SVG before.

That is the impression that followers of Parliament might have been left with last Thursday, as Deputy Prime Minister, Sir Louis Straker responded to a question by Opposition Leader, Godwin Friday.

Friday’s question was answered by the deputy prime minister as Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves did not attend the sitting of the national assembly as he was in quarantine after a trip to the United States.

The opposition leader, in his question, noted that a jet was intercepted in Miami on Aug. 15, with guns, ammunition and money and a flight plan which stated St. Vincent and the Grenadines as its destination, which the Commissioner of Police in Kingstown later said was a decoy.

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Friday asked the prime minister to say whether, since the commissioner’s statement, any further information was obtained about the aircraft and its intended destination and purpose and further whether the aircraft has ever been to SVG.

Sir Louis responded on behalf of the prime minister said:

“The Commissioner of Police confirmed that additional information came to him indicating that the aircraft in question was not bound for St. Vincent and the Grenadines. St. Vincent and the Grenadines was a mere named decoy as the American authorities had publicly stated,” Sir Louis said.

He noted that the U.S. authorities had also publicly alleged that the aircraft’s true destination was Venezuela.

“The authorities in St. Vincent and the Grenadines cannot, on their own account, confirm or deny that allegation. We have no confirmed information that that particular aircraft with that particular crew ever came to St. Vincent and the Grenadines,” Sir Louis further stated.

Friday asked for clarity, saying “… ‘that particular aircraft with that particular crew’. Did that aircraft with a different crew come here?”

There was silence on the other side and Friday said, “You wouldn’t know? Well, maybe the honourable prime minister could respond to that.”

Under the rules of the house, Friday would not have asked Straker a supplementary question as the deputy prime minister was answering on behalf of someone else.

One reply on “Straker suggests jet nabbed with guns in US had visited SVG”

  1. Reflective mind from the past

    Unclaim shipment of Guns ammunitions on yacht at villa (1979)

    Thie reminded me of Yatch fill to capacity with Guns and Ammunition anchored in Villa near to Young Island with no marking and Ownership.

    This was the year (1979 ) of Revolution spreading across the Caribbean Islands . Some went into action, some coverly, and some plans was foiled like SVG.

    SVG had alot of Revolutionist, many was going to and thru Grenada all things stamp there (Passports and other documents) even if they went further to indoctrinate in communism and socialist doctrine. The LP Government with all heavy head had no information because Grenada Revolution was in high gear. Russia, Cuba, and other socialist blocks still Grenada embark and disembarked it was the Meca 1979 .

    Remember many of those people are still around and some hold high positions here that dicate the flow of trafic here to SVG and our life. Truth is not part of Revolutionary doctrine, but Disinformation and propaganda.

    This year of Election, Guns and Roses may be around, be vigilant, because some vigilante may not accept the results if NDP wins. And we do not know if Guns are bury at AIA as they did at Saline Air Port in Grenada in 1979 .

    It was alleged that same mercenary plane that USA authorities seized in Florida came to SVG some time ago. I am wondering what was its cargo on here?

    We have alot of politcal Revolution mercenaries in SVG and very government entities is under their control even our police force :

    when white power was found on Venezuela ship in grenadines it was classified as soap power and native is saying what it was. Can we trust our the police force when given information.? Ha ha ha…

    Was those Guns Ammunitions and Money was it earmark for SVG Election or for Venezuela ? You be your judge

    “By their fruits they shall be known” “I does tell a little lie ”

    Father cure us from all these Viruses including the polical Virus and free SVG so that it can regenerate itself.

    My two cents

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