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The deceased, Ella Cordice.
The deceased, Ella Cordice.

A woman died after being shot and another woman survived the attack by unknown assailants in Diamond, on Monday.

Police say that the dead woman is Ella Cordice, a 55-year-old farmer.

Jasmine King, a 47-year-old farmer, of Diamond, was in hospital with multiple gunshot wounds about her body.

Police said that their investigation has revealed that on Sunday, Cordice and King “reportedly went to sleep”.

The statement continued:

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“Sometime during the night, they were awakened by the sound of gunshots emanating through the bedroom window of the house. 

“During the incident, the deceased and Jasmine King received several gunshots about their bodies. They were subsequently rushed to the MCMH for medical attention where Ella Cordice was pronounced dead on arrival.

“A postmortem examination is to be conducted on the deceased to ascertain the exact cause of death. Investigations into the matter are ongoing,” police said.

Investigators are asking people with information that can assist with the investigation to telephone 1-784-456-1339, 1784-456-1810, 1-784-458-4200 or any police station.

People can also speak with any police officer they are comfortable with.

“All information received would be treated with confidentiality,” police said.

6 replies on “Woman killed, another injured while sleeping in Diamond”

  1. Louis Ferdinand says:

    I am so very worried that this wanna be gun culture that is sticking up it’s ugly head in different areas in SVG needs some very urgent attention before it gets really out of control, which in my case is not too far off,this needs to stop now. Newer and stricter gun laws ought to be put in place and fines and Jail time should be real solid for all gun offenses. Believe me I know what gun culture looks like, I know the sadness and pain it brings to so many people and by no means is it a good thing. If the situation in SVG isn’t taken care of very soon I’m afraid that it can be very destructive for Citizens, Country and the Economy on a whole. If it gets too dangerous, no one will ever want to visit and that will be a bad thing.We do not manufacture guns in SVG so we don’t need them on the streets nor in our Communities.

  2. after the police could not solve a simple case like the shooting of Mr C. John how are they going to be able to solve this?

  3. These killers are senseless thugs.They are senseless and ignorant . I hope they are caught and dealt with.
    I am a Vincy abroad and it seems that guns and lawlessness is becoming an epidemic in SVG.
    These lawless people need to be put in a concentration camp of extinction since they have no regard for human life.

  4. Why the commissioner not send the police that terrorised innocent citizens and demonstrators to look for those people with these weapons ? Its very scary hearing these things and the type of people who have these weapons. Frightening

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