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The lawsuit relates to a claim that a woman cast a spell by engaging in certain activities at a cemetery.
The lawsuit relates to a claim that a woman cast a spell by engaging in certain activities at a cemetery.
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A woman has filed a defamation claim, asking the magistrate’s court to award her damages of EC$15,000 over statements that another woman made in a video, purporting to be an exorcism by a Christian cleric.

A source familiar with the matter told iWitness News that the defamation suit relates to a video broadcast on the Facebook page “Life by faith ministries.”.

In the video, a man calling himself a prophet purports to expel demons from the woman “in the name of Jesus”.

The words uttered by the woman are said to actually be the responses of the “demons” that had possessed her

In the video, one “demon”, speaking through the woman, claims that another woman who is mentioned by name, had cast a spell by engaging in certain activities at a cemetery.

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“All this is witchcraft,” the prophet said and inquired about the name of “the high priest of witchcraft” in that particular district of St. Vincent.

The woman mentions a prominent Christian cleric by name.

“There will be nothing hidden today in the name of Jesus,” the prophet said.

Throughout the video, he tells the woman, “If you are lying, I ask God to smite you with fire on your feet and your head.”

The video ends without fire smiting the woman.

This might suggest that she should have no difficulty proving in the court the claims that she made in the video.  

2 replies on “Woman sues over claims in prophet’s  ‘exorcism’ video”

  1. Hyacinth Slater Harry says:

    It is time that that so called prophet be put in his place .He needs to stop defaming peoples character.I am sick of his lies and many of our people are so gullible and corrupt that they believe his lies.

  2. When you believe somebody has a palace in the sky above the clouds you will believe anything they throw at you. but Yo cyant ban free enterpise.

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