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Kay Martin Jack
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A new chief education officer (CEO) has been appointed to the Ministry of Education and National Reconciliation.

She is Kay Martin-Jack.

Martin-Jack began her new tenure on Wednesday, after serving as Senior Education Officer for Secondary Schools for seven years.

Apart from supervising about 28 secondary-level institutions in her role as senior education officer, she served as the national focal point for the CARICOM Teaching Standards initiative, as well as a liaison between the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) and the Ministry of Education and National Reconciliation. 

Martin-Jack has also sat on several boards related to educational matters and has served on a number of ad hoc committees. 

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The new CEO has a wealth of experience in the education sector, having worked at various levels throughout the primary, secondary and tertiary systems.

 She also functioned in the capacity of Education Officer for Language, Literacy and Communication at the Curriculum Development Unit. 

“The Ministry of Education and National Reconciliation welcomes Mrs. Martin-Jack in this new capacity as Chief Education Officer and wishes her a fruitful tenure. The Ministry also thanks Deputy Chief Education Officer, Mr. Dixton Findlay, for his leadership during the transitionary period,” a press release said.

4 replies on “New chief education officer appointed”

  1. Wait day man says:

    My hope is that they pay attention to sex education. It seems like the vincy young men want to breed the young women them then beat them up and treaten them out of jealousy or idiocy. Then leave them as obese single mothers. Them thing just can’t fly. I does see some very pretty vincy women then next time you see them they weight 300 pounds.

  2. Network of NGO says:

    Congrats Madame Jack. While Sex education is critical, having the information & NOT applying it makes NO SENSE. Just remember “life is a 2 way street & we hsve 2 meet each other half way”. Having said that, the young men cant “breed” the young women unless the latter allow it. Too much FREE contraceptives available & knowledge sharing, so YOUNG WOMEN MUST LEARN TO SAY NO OR PROTECT THEMSELVES!

  3. We need people/ candidate in that position who have the people’s interest at heart .not candidates who is towing the party lines. Corruption is a quintessential part of the Education system.changing the players without reforming the apparatus, is an exercise in futility. We need change, fundamental principle change. Just saying

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