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Vendors stalls destroyed

The government on Monday, June 6, 2022, destroyed vendors’ structures outside Massy Supermarket in Arnos Vale.

They also confiscated the vendors’ produce and their wares.

The vendors were ordered in July 2020 to vacate the area.

See below our report from July 2020.

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12 replies on “VIDEO: Gov’t destroys vendors stalls, produce”

  1. Nathen Green says:

    His hatred of black people is obvious, time to stop the pretence, carrying off the loot and pretending he loves us, time for us to get rid of him and the dynasty.

  2. Police operating like a mafia gang. Gov’t must compensate the people for their goods. It’s like their way or the highway. Just squeezing the small man. No middle ground. No Jobs. Godwin Friday is too soft, yo haffo willin fo get dirty otherwise yo get drop like a bad habit.

  3. Aryo cyan now baay $15,- dolla spliff an chill. Yeah mon. Scene, a likkel furda op d road. Curtisy aff Saboto, scene.

  4. Take warning says:

    Labour love you , or is it Labour pain? a row. Ar yo na see nothing yet, just the beginning of ar sorrows.

  5. When locals continue to shop at these foreign supermarkets(Massy) who have locals treated like that, the vendors continue to suffer…#boycott Massy.
    Many of who have been given certain authority in the land have failed the people greatly but the Lord doesn’t sleep.

  6. There are laws in every country. The government give them many chances to move but they didn’t. You can’t keep blaming the government every time when the government takes action against citizens. The vendors had plenty of chances to move before all this.

  7. This is the same people from Bom Bom and Pole yard who voted massively for the ULP in the name of labour love. This is five in their rectum take it or lump it. Your chickens have come home to roost, est it now.

  8. These kind of business creates eyesore. You cannot have these kinds of busines in the heart of city Arnos Vale. Its the same kind of business that exist in little Tokyo. Enough is enough, the vendors wete give adequate warning.

  9. Agustas Carr says:

    Vending must me regulated and kept tidy. However, was an alternative offered? Could the Northern Section of the Old Airport be turned into a small vegetable market or section of the adjacent car park be turned into an alternative for these Vendors.

    Some times the Government approach to problem solving lack common sense and courtesy. Conversely, these stalls must be kept at a particular standard but at the same time we cannot overlook the fact that many persons depend on vending for a livelihood and a very poor.

    Proper consultations and discussions are necessary in these circumstances. They must however be predicated by transparency and a clear position on the expected outcome. The Vendors must be given sufficient time to find a suitable alternative and be subsidized or compensated for loss of income.

    It appears they were given sufficient time. However, there were no mentioned of the alternative.

  10. Vendors were very publicly f-ed. Surely there was a better way to do this. The royals with the blessings of Scumrad and co wiped out the competition.

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