Two men are dead and third person nursing gunshot injuries after a shooting in Block 2000 Thursday night.
Dead are Darius Bynoe, 25, of Old Montrose, and Zimron Richards, 28, of Redemption Sharpes.
Antwan Butcher, 23, of Old Montrose, was shot in his left leg and is a patient at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital.
iWitness News understands that the men were relaxing at their usual hang-out spot in front of the Singer warehouse when a vehicle drove by and opened fire on them.
Bynoe reportedly sustained gunshot injuries to the chest and died at the scene.
Richards, who was shot about his body, was taken to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital, where he died.
The killings bring the homicide count to St. Vincent and the Grenadines this year to 25.
Drive by shootings in SVG is an epidemic.
What are the police doing about the killers?
What is the government doing about the illegal guns running amock ?
I am a Vincentian living abroad . I never thought I would see the day when this island is rivaling other larger countries with gun violence.
Mr prime minister you and your government has to protect the people of beautiful SVG.
Do not hand it over to these lawless young tugs.
This just doesn’t make any sense at all. We do not manufacture guns in SVG but as often as you turn around, someone is getting shot. Thou shall not kill. Vincy young black men, stop murdering your own black brother, stop destroying lives with your ignorance. Be constructive and not destructive, be positive and not negative. Do not take a life that you cannot give.
I don’t know why the COP or the minister in charge still have jobs. And why do the police call themselves Royal. Royal this and Royal that, they are Royally incapable of policing the place, all they good for is thief and fence their own guns and lie when it suit then.
The. Crimes spree in SVG is unbelievable but what is equally unbelievable is the unemployment numbers it seems like SVG is breeding Criminals maybe if we can find some form of employment for these young people we will have a reduction in Crimes Simply put it we need a new Government structure one who will focus more on producing stability and good family structure tha. TAKING JOBS AWAY FROM PEOPLE WHO DID NOT VOTE FOR THEM
Leaders need to talk to the people and condemn these senseless killings.
Put more emphasis in creating positive opportunities for our young people, it can’t be about me, myself and I whiles our homes, modalities and families are destroyed.
The police seems to be more concerned about demonstrators and searching their homes,,, ,no concern about criminals, they are free to do whatever they want. Justice goes to criminals, while the law abiding one’s are percecuted.
Man day in every ministry trying to put to rite and doing damage control except his….forgetting his…..ministry of security. All d ministries failing his top d list