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By Anthony G. Stewart, PhD 

This appointment by the maximum leader and world boss of sorts was the wisest decision that could have been made given the needs of the country at the time. Given the status of the country, it was recognised that new leadership was needed. The future was at stake and a man with vision was in demand. He must be one with big dreams for his country or one who could interpret and translate the dreams of the leadership and people for a better life. 

Moving away from the planter class, this was a definite plan to select one from the working class, from among the slaves or descendant of slaves. He must understand the needs of the poor to find jobs. They were not to be debilitated by handouts, prime grants, non-contributory pensions, free housing, lumber, galvanize and cement, poor relief, nepotism, cronyism, favouritism, lack of meritocracy, pity, and empathy. The culture of learned helplessness must be banished in favour of a healthy work ethic if civilization is to be ennobled.  

He must have a keen understanding of climate change and use this knowledge to plan adequately to mitigate against its adverse effects. He must understand the need to save for the rainy day, to put up for the hard times. He does not have to be an economist but must recognise the need for all to pay their fair share of taxes. A way must be found for all to pay for goods and services received. He knows the value of ensuring the social security of the elderly by having a skilled, trained, educated and employed working class. This is in addition to guaranteed savings, deductions, and wise investments. 

He must appreciate the central role of agriculture in ensuring the food security of the nation and expanding production to meet local needs and for export. A background in zoology and botany would be useful.  

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He must be able to eliminate extreme poverty, reduce the crime rate, make the nation secure, restore confidence in the judiciary, educate the population to meet the needs of the nation, provide adequate health services, construct adequate road networks, organize an efficient civil service, balance the budget, account for the country’s income and finances, and unite the country. 

Pharaoh found such a man in Joseph and appointed him as prime minister and minister of agriculture of Egypt. He was able to organise the people to maximise production and store excess food in the seven years of plenty so that there was a sufficient supply in the seven years of famine. He imposed a flat tax of 20% on everyone and created an economy where everyone paid for the goods and services, they received with the resources they had.  His tax principle was “give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is his”.

This story is recorded in Genesis 37 to 50.  

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