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Akley Olton

A 45-minute film commissioned by the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) in 2022 and produced by Vincentian filmmaker Akley Olton, will be screen at Cardiff University’s School of Social Sciences on Friday.

The film, “SugarLands”, delves into the modern-day legacies of a sugar plantation in St. Vincent, once owned by Thomas Phillips, a significant benefactor of St. David’s College, Lampeter, during the early 19th century.

Phillips’ involvement in enslavement and the plantation economy is central to the narrative.

The collaboration between Andy Bevan, lecturer in international development and global politics at UWTSD and colleagues in St. Vincent since November 2020 led to the conceptualisation and creation of “Sugar Lands”.

Andy Bevan has been invited to contribute to a series of anti-racism events at Cardiff University’s School of Social Sciences, cantered around film.

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Organized by the Decolonising Social Sciences teaching team and the School of Social Sciences’ Anti Racism and Race Equality Committee, a series of screenings in Cardiff aims to promote critical dialogue on decolonising academia.

Esther Muddiman, a member of the organising committee, highlighted the importance of these sessions, noting the participation of 25 students enrolled in the “decolonising social sciences” module and the broader engagement through the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Decolonial Network.

The screening will be followed by a question-and-answer session facilitated by Bevan, exploring the intersection of film and research in this project.  

Additionally, Olton will contribute a recorded message online.

“This initiative aligns with Cardiff University’s efforts to lead decolonisation initiatives in Wales, collaborating with Bangor and Aberystwyth Universities,” a press release said.

“UWTSD’s collaborative work with Akley Olton and Dr Adrian Fraser, former head of the University of the West Indies Campus on St Vincent, serves as a notable example within this ongoing joint programme of activity and research.”

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