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The defendant Esron Cuffy, left, interacts with a police officer outside the Colonarie Magistrate's Court, sitting at Georgetown on Thursday, May 23, 2024.
The defendant Esron Cuffy, left, interacts with a police officer outside the Colonarie Magistrate’s Court, sitting at Georgetown on Thursday, May 23, 2024.

A van conductor who broke a rum bottle on the Georgetown Public Road has been fined EC$100 to be paid in one week or one month in prison.

Esron Cuffy, 29, told the Colonarie Magistrate’s Court sitting at Georgetown on Thursday that he was “drunk and somebody did humbug me head and me just blast the bottle”.

He pleaded guilty to a charge that on May 21, at Georgetown, he willfully broke an empty Sunset Strong Rum bottle in a public place, to wit, the Georgetown Public Road, a violation of the Litter Act.

The facts are that about 12:50 a.m. on the date, PC 912 Sayers was on duty near Triple R Square in Georgetown when the defendant took an empty Sunset Rum bottle and broke it in the road.

The matter was reported to PC 425 Arrindel who was on duty at the station.

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In handing down her sentence, Magistrate Kaywana Jacobs said that Cuffy’s behaviour was “irresponsible” and that being drunk was no excuse.