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KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent – Opposition Leader Arnhim Eustace yesterday described as “insulting” the language Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves used last week to explain his refusal to meet with two Falkland Islands legislators.

Falkland Islands lawmakers Sharon Halford and Roger Edwards, along with Deputy British High Commissioner for St. Vincent and the Grenadines Karl Burrows failed to secure a meeting with Gonsalves two weeks ago.

The legislators’ trip to this country was part of efforts to raise awareness across the region about their nation’s quest for self-determination.

The South American islands, a self-governed British overseas territory, are at the heart of a 180-year dispute between the United Kingdom and Argentina, which also claims the islands as it own.

“I saw a statement in one of the newspapers from the Prime Minister, which I thought was very arrogant, … implying that these people come down from a colony why they are expecting to see the prime minister of an independent country,” Eustace said.

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Gonsalves told reporters last week that while his schedule prevented him from meeting with the legislators, he also wanted to know on what juridical basis the members of a “colonial” assembly wanted to meet with the prime minister of an independent country.

“I never saw more insulting language than that to be used against parliamentarians from another country,” Eustace further stated. “We were once a colony too. We were once fighting in St. Vincent and the Grenadines for self-determination.”

Eustace, a former prime minister, said that any prime minister could meet any parliamentarian from any part of the world such a prime minister chooses.

“Its [speaks] of a level of arrogance which is unbelievable,” Eustace said of Gonsalves statements.

He noted that this country is preparing for a visit by members of the British Royal Family next week and added that the British government was represented on the Falklands Island delegation.

“I just don’t understand it. I found the language very insulting of the people of the Falkland Islands. It is just 32 years ago we were in the same position like then – non-independent colonies,” said Eustace, whose opposition New Democratic Party met with the legislators.

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17 replies on “PM insulted Falklands lawmakers – Opposition Leader”





  2. This my belief, tell me what you all think.

    SVG has its foreign policy dictated by ALBA. ALBA is a Marxist association which is trying to bring about a new world order. Most of the ALBA member countries have been pulled down to be crap countries by their leaders. Such people as Chavez, who is best described as a lunatic, and the Castro brothers who are dictators, are generally setting the controls of ALBA. ALBA has aligned itself with all the crap states like Iran, North Korea, Russia, and many others. Gonsalves follows ALBA instructions, he is trying harder to please ALBA members since the Wikileaks publications, Chavez, Castro and other ALBA members were not pleased with what those publications revealed about Gonsalves loose mouth.
    It is ALBA’s policy to align itself with Argentina, regardless of what is right and what is wrong. Gonsalves is committed to that policy.

    Gonsalves purposely insulted the assistant British High Commission and Falkland Parliamentary members because that pleased ALBA, and it is ALBA instructed foreign policy not to give meetings or any help to the Falklands. Of course at the same time this resulted in an insult to the British, who Gonsalves in his own warped mind regards as evil ex-Colonial masters, again that pleased the ALBA Marxist’s.

    We take money from Iran for the Argyle airport project. Hundreds of Christians are in prison in Iran, they are tortured, beaten, raped, murdered and executed by the state. What did they do wrong to deserve such treatment? they worship God through his Son Jesus, they are Christians that is the only alleged crime. At the United Nations on a fairly frequent basis the Iranians are taken to task for their human rights abuses. SVG votes for them, with them or supports them by abstaining from votes against them. That makes the money that we take from them dirty money, blood money, in taking this money we are supporting Iran’s policy against Christians. That is why there is a curse on the airport and it now becoming known as the Christian Blood Airport [CBA].
    It is thought that Iran are seeking to build a nuclear bomb, their behaviour is likely to bring about a new war in the Middle East. Yet ALBA members and SVG in particular vote for their protection against the truth at the UN. It is said that the Iranians are obtaining uranium from Venezuela, a program run by the Iranian Presidential Guard.

    SVG and all the ALBA members on the 16th of February, at the UN voted in such a way so as to support Syria. Syria is murdering its own people, shelling, bombing and torturing, to try and keep its leaders in power, against the will of the people.

    According to Chavez all ALBA members are committed militarily to each other, if any one member is attacked all the other members will assist.
    ALBA has built a Military Academy.

    Gonsalves took Saint Vincent and the Grenadines into ALBA without any prior reference to the citizens or without any pre election policy, or without a referendum. Regardless of what we are told this deals with our sovereignty. If we had accepted the 2010 referendum we would be deeper in the crap than we currently are. It would of left the door open for the SVG Marxist’s to totally change our society along ALBA instructions.

    The people want to see all the agreements, treaties, and policy documents that SVG has entered into with ALBA.

    The people want to see all the agreements entered into with other states.


    I could write a hundred pages, in fact I have, they will all eventually be published.


    Are my beliefs correct, you be the judge.

    1. actually ALBA’s policy is to do whatever the UN chooses and respect the choice of the UN and the movement on the UN on the matter.

      the UN is wondering why in all this time there’s been no solution between the two and does not want to get involved in what should be an diplomatic endeavor.

      SVG’s stance has always been the same.

      You really need to go read some stuff and stop assuming because when you assume you make an ass of you alone cause noone else wants to be a part of your bandwagon.

  3. FUDZ more childish nonsense. Gonsalves will slap your legs if you put such crap forward.

    How can you possibly equate the Falklands with the Grenadines.

    Argentina is over 350 miles from the Falklands, they have no right by occupation, tenure, ownership or for any other reason to a claim for the islands. The Argentines decided to grab the islands by military force, they were beaten by and surrendered to the British.

    The British have a long and detailed history regarding the islands.

    The Falkland people under a UN charter have the right to determine their own future. In a referendum they were offered the options of becoming part of Argentina, being a part of a duel administration of British and Argentinian, to be self owned and administered, to remain under British rule, they chose the latter.

    Huge undersea oil fields have recently been discovered and the seas around the Falklands have the Worlds best fish stocks. That is why Argentina want the Falklands. If they were just a bunch of swampy and rocky islands, they would show no interest.

    August 9th 1592: The Falkands Islands were first recorded as discovered by the English, when a severe storm battered a ship, and captain Davis drifted under bare masts, taking refuge “among certain Isles never before discovered.” Consequently, for a time the Falklands were known as “Davis Land” or “Davis’s Land.”
    In 1594: The Falklands were visited following the recorded discovery of Captain Davis, by English commander Richard Hawkins, who, combining his own name with that of Queen Elizabeth I, and gave the islands the name of “Hawkins’ Maidenland.”
    In 1600: Sebald de Weert, a Dutchman, visited them and called them the Sebald Islands (in Spanish, “Islas Sebaldinas” or “Sebaldes”), a name which they bore on some Dutch maps into the 19th century.
    In 1690: English Captain John Strong sailed between the two principal islands and called the passage “Falkland Channel” (now Falkland Sound), named after Anthony Cary, 5th Viscount Falkland (1659–1694), who as Commissioner of the British Admiralty had financed the expedition and later became First Lord of the Admiralty. From this body of water the island group later took its collective name, the Falkland Islands.
    In 1764: France established a colony at Port St. Louis, on East Falkland’s Berkeley Sound coast. The French named the islands ‘Îles Malouines’ was given to the islands – Malouin being the adjective for the Breto port of Saint-Malo [France]. The Spanish name name Islas Malvinas is a translation of the French name name.
    In 1765: The British Captain John Byron, who was unaware of the French presence in the east, explored Saunders Island, in the west, named the harbour Port Egmont, and claimed this and other islands for Britain on the grounds of prior discovery, quoting 1592, 1594 and 1690.
    In 1766: The British Captain John MacBride established a British settlement at Port Egmont. These events were nearly the cause of a war between Britain and Spain, both countries having sent armed fleets to contest the barren but strategically important sovereignty of the islands.
    In 1766: France agreed to leave the Falklands, and Spain agreed to reimburse Louis de Bougainville, who had established a settlement at his own expense.
    In 1767: The Spaniards assumed control in 1767 and re-named Port St. Louis as Puerto Soledad.
    July 10th 1770 to 22 January 1771: British presence in the west of the main islands continued, until interrupted by Spain during the then Falkland crisis.
    In 1774: Because of Britain’s concentration on the American War of Independence, Britain unilaterally chose to withdraw from many overseas settlements, one of which was the Falklands in 1776.
    May 20th 1776: the British forces under the command of Lt. Clayton formally took their leave of Port Egmont, they ceremonially left a conspicuously placed plaque asserting Britain’s continuing sovereignty over the islands.
    From 1777 to 1811: The Spanish Crown ruled the Falklands Islands from Buenos Aires, Spain withdrew due to the pressures of war against Bonapartist rule at home in Spain and also the moves towards independence by her South American colonies.Like Britain in 1776, Spain left behind a plaque proclaiming her sovereignty.
    At this time all the Spanish settlers withdrew from the islands.
    In 1811, following the departure of the Spanish settlers, the Falkland Islands became mainly the domain of British and American whalers and sealers who used the islands to shelter from the worst of the South Atlantic weather.
    Between 40 and 50 ships were engaged in exploiting fur seals. There was an itinerant population of up to 1,000 sailors.
    February 8th 1813: The British ship Isabella, a ship of 193 tons and a crew of fourteen, was wrecked off the coast of Eagle Island (now known as Speedwell Island).
    Captain George Higton and five other men volunteered to make the hazardous voyage to the River Plate in one of the ship’s longboats. Braving the South Atlantic in a boat little more than 18 ft long (5.5 m), they made landfall a month later. The British gun brig Nancy was sent to rescue the survivors.
    April 5th 1813: The US sea Captain Charles Barnard of the American sealer ‘Nanina’ was sailing off the shore of Eagle Island, with a discovery boat deployed looking for seals. Having seen smoke and heard gunshots the previous day, he was alert to the possibility of survivors of a ship wreck. This suspicion was heightened, when the crew of the discovery boat came aboard and informed the captain they had come across a new moccasin as well as the partially butchered remains of a seal. At dinner that evening, the crew observed a man approaching the ship who was shortly joined by eight to ten others. Both Barnard and the survivors from the Isabella had harboured concern the other party was Spanish and were relieved to discover that they were British.
    Barnard dined with the Isabella survivors that evening and finding that the British party were unaware of the War of 1812 informed the British survivors that technically they being of the US were at war with each other. Nevertheless Barnard promised to rescue the British party and set about preparations for the voyage to the River Plate. Realising that they had insufficient stores for the voyage he set about hunting wild pigs and otherwise acquiring additional food. However, while Barnard was gathering supplies, the British took the opportunity to seize the Nanina and departed leaving Barnard and three of his crew marooned. Shortly thereafter the Nanina encountered the British ship Nancy under Lt D’Aranda who had sailed from the River Plate in order to rescue the survivors of the Isabella. Lt D’Aranda took the Nanina as a prize.
    Barnard and his party survived for eighteen months marooned on the islands until rescued by the British ships Indispensible and Asp in November 1814.
    October 1820: The Frigate ’Heroina’ under the command of American privateer Colonel David Jewett arrived in Puerto Soledad following voyage lasting from March to October 1820 looking to capture Spanish ships as prizes. Most of her crew were incapacitated by scurvy and disease. Jewett also executed six of his crew for mutiny. Ultimately he was unable to find any Spanish prizes but did manage to capture a Portuguese ship named Carlota. As Argentina and Portugal were not at war, Jewett could be considered to have committed piracy. A storm resulted in severe damage to the Heroína and had sunk the prize Carlota forcing Jewett to put into Puerto Soledad for repairs.
    Captain Jewett chose to rest and recover in the islands, seeking assistance from the British explorer James Weddell. Weddell reported only 30 seamen and 40 soldiers fit for duty out of a crew of 200, and how Jewett slept with pistols over his head following an attempted mutiny.
    November 6th 1820: US Colonel David Jewett raised the flag of the United Provinces of the River Plate (a predecessor of modern-day Argentina) and claimed possession of the islands. Weddell reported the letter he received from Jewett as:
    February 1st 1821: US Colonel, David Jewett sent a long report to Buenos Aires in which he described his journey.
    In his report he failed to make any mention whatsoever of his claim over the Falklands or raising of the flag there.
    April 1821: Jewett departed from the Falkland Islands. In total he had spent no more than six months on the island, entirely at Port Luis.
    In 1822: US Colonel David Jewett was accused of piracy by a Portuguese court, but by that time he was in Brazil.
    News of Jewett’s claim over the Falklands was first in the Salem Gazette. Prior to that news story Jewett had never before mentioned the claim of ownership of the islands. The US Massachusetts news paper reprinted and then it was re-printed in the Times of London. The Spanish newspaper Cadiz then reported the story and it was only when this report reached Buenos Aires, as a foreign news story, was it published in the Buenos Aires Argos on 10 November 1821. More than a year after the event. The Argentine government itself made no announcements. This was probably because Jewett had made no report of his ‘acquisition’ and so they were completely unaware that it had taken place.
    In 1823: The United Provinces of the River Plate granted fishing rights to Jorge Pacheco and Luis Vernet. Travelling to the islands in 1824, the first expedition failed almost as soon as it landed, and Pacheco chose not to continue with the venture.
    In 1826: Vernet persisted with his fishing expeditions, but this second attempt was delayed until Winter 1826 by a Brazilian blockade, which was also unsuccessful. The expedition intended to exploit the ferel cattle left by the English on the islands but the boggy conditions meant the Gauchos could not catch cattle in their traditional way. Vernet was by now aware of British claims to the islands and sought permission from the British consulate before departing for the islands.
    In 1828: the United Provinces government granted Vernet all of East Falklands including all its resources, and exempted him from taxation if a colony could be established within three years. He took settlers, including British Captain Matthew Brisbane (who had sailed to the islands earlier with Weddell, and before leaving once again sought permission from the British Consulate in Buenos Aires. The British asked for a report for the British government on the islands, and Vernet asked for British protection should they return.
    June 10th 1829: Vernet was designated as ‘civil and military commandant’ of the islands (no Governor was ever appointed) and granted a monopoly on seal hunting rights. A protest was lodged by the British Consulate in Buenos Aires.
    In the 1830s: Under British rule, Salvador Settlement was one of the earliest, being started by a British Gibraltarian immigrant (hence its other name of “Gibraltar Settlement”), and it is still run by his descendants, the Pitalugas.
    By 1831: Under British rule, the Falkland Islands colony was successful enough to be advertising for new colonists, although the Lexington’s report suggests that the conditions on the islands were quite miserable.
    In 1833: British explorer Charles Darwin confirmed the squalid conditions in the Falkland Island settlement, although Captain Matthew Brisbane (Vernet’s deputy) later claimed that this was the result of the Lexington raid.
    January 3rd 1833: British Captain James Onslow, of the brig-sloop ‘HMS Clio’, arrived at Vernet’s settlement at Port Louis to request that the flag of the United Provinces of the River Plate be replaced with the British one, and for the administration to leave the islands. While Lt. Col. José María Pinedo, commander of the schooner Sarandí, wanted to resist, his numerical disadvantage was obvious, particularly as a large number of his crew were British mercenaries who were unwilling to fight their own countrymen. Such a situation was not unusual in the newly independent states in Latin America, where land forces were strong, but navies were frequently quite undermanned. As such he protested verbally, but departed without a fight on 5 January. Argentina claims that Vernet’s colony was also expelled at this time, though sources from this time dispute this, suggesting that the colonists were encouraged to remain initially under the authority of Vernet’s storekeeper, William Dickson and later his deputy, Matthew Brisbane.
    Initial British plans for the Islands were based upon the continuation of Vernet’s settlement at Port Louis. An Argentine immigrant of Irish origin, William Dickson, was appointed as the British representative and provided with a flagpole and flag to be flown whenever ships were in harbour.
    March 1833: Vernet’s Deputy, Matthew Brisbane returned and presented his papers to British Captain Fitzroy of HMS Beagle, which coincidentally happened to be in harbour at the time. Fitzroy encouraged Brisbane to continue with Vernet’s enterprise with the proviso that whilst private enterprise was encouraged, Argentine assertions of sovereignty would not be welcome.
    Brisbane re-asserted his authority over Vernet’s settlement and recommenced the practise of paying employees in promissory notes. Due to Vernet’s reduced status, the promissory notes were devalued, which meant that the employees received fewer goods at Vernet’s stores for their wages. After months of freedom following the Lexington raid this accentuated dissatisfaction with the leadership of the settlement.
    August 1833: Under the leadership of Antonio Rivero, a gang of Creole and Indian gauchos ran amok in the settlement. Armed with muskets obtained from American sealers, the gang killed five members of Vernet’s settlement including both Dickson and Brisbane. Shortly afterward the survivors fled Port Louis, seeking refuge on Turf Island in Berkeley Sound until rescued by the British sealer ‘Hopeful’ in October 1833.
    January 1834: Lt Henry Smith was installed as the first British resident. One of his first actions was to pursue and arrest Rivero’s gang for the murders committed the previous August. The gang was sent for trial in London but due to a quirk of the British Legal system could not be tried as the Crown Court did not have jurisdiction over the Falkland Islands. In the British colonial system, colonies had their own, distinct governments, finances, and judicial systems. Rivero was not tried and sentenced because the British local government and local judiciary had not yet been installed in 1834; these were created later, by the 1841 British Letters Patent. Subsequently, Rivero has acquired the status of a folk hero in Argentina, where he is portrayed as leading a rebellion against British rule. Ironically it was the actions of Rivero that were responsible for the ultimate demise of Vernet’s enterprise on the Falklands.
    In 1834: British explorer Charles Darwin revisited the Falklands, Darwin and Fitzroyboth take their names from this visit.
    In 1835: after the arrest of Rivero, British Lt. Smith set about restoring the settlement at Port Louis, repairing the damage done by the Lexington raid and renaming it ‘Anson’s Harbour’.
    Vernet later attempted to return to the Islands but was refused permission to return. The British Crown reneged on promises and refused to recognise rights granted by Captain Onslow at the time of the reoccupation. Eventually, after travelling to London, Vernet received paltry compensation for horses shipped to Port Louis many years before.
    G.T. Whittington obtained a concession of 6,400 acres (26 km2) from Vernet that he later exploited with the formation of the Falkland Islands Commercial Fishery and Agricultural Association.
    In 1836: East Falkland was surveyed by British Admiral George Grey, on behalf of the British Crown.
    November 1836: British Admiral George Grey conducted a geographic survey of East Falkland, on behalf of the British Crown.
    In 1837: East Falkland survey was continued by British Admiral Lowcay.
    April 1838: British Lt Lowcay succeeded Smith [1835-1838] in administering the Falklands, on behalf of the British Crown.
    September 1839: British Lt Robinson succeeded Lowcay, in administering the Falklands, on behalf of the British Crown.
    December 1839: British Lt Tyssen succeeded Robinson, in administering the Falklands, on behalf of the British Crown.
    May 1840: the British Government made the decision to colonise the Falkland Islands.
    Pressure to develop the islands as a colony began to mount as the result of a campaign mounted by British merchant G.T. Whittington. Whittington formed the Falkland Islands Commercial Fishery and Agricultural Association and (based on information indirectly obtained from Vernet) published a pamphlet entitled “The Falkland Islands”. Later a petition signed by London merchants was presented to the British Government demanding the convening of a public meeting to discuss the future development of the Falkland Islands. Whittington petitioned the Colonial Secretary, Lord Russell, proposing that his association be allowed to colonise the islands.
    Unaware of the decision by the British to colonise the islands, Whittington grew impatient and decided to take action of his own initiative. Obtaining two ships, he sent his brother, J. B. Whittington, on a mission to land stores and settlers at Port Louis. On arrival he presented his claim to land that his brother had bought from Vernet. Lt. Tyssen was taken aback by Whittington’s arrival, indicating that he had no authority to allow this; however, he was unable to prevent the party from landing. Whittington constructed a large house for his party, and using a salting house built by Vernet established a fish-salting business.
    In the 1840’s: Under British rule, with the establishment of the deep-water anchorage and improvements in port facilities, Stanley saw a dramatic increase in the number of visiting ships, in part due to the California Gold Rush. A boom in ship provisioning and ship-repair resulted, aided by the notoriously bad weather in the South Atlantic and around Cape Horn. Stanley and the Falkland Islands are famous as the repository of many wrecks of 19th century ships that reached the islands to be condemned as un-seaworthy and were often employed as floating warehouses by local merchants.
    At one point in the 19th century, Stanley under British rule became one of the world’s busiest ports.

    In 1841, The British Government continued with its plans to colonise the Falkland Islands, appointing the British Lt Richard Moody as the first Lieutenant Governor of the Islands. He was transported to the Falkland Islands aboard the ship Hebe.
    October 1841: The British Lt Richard Moody took up residence as the first Lieutenant Governor of the Islands. Arriving in Ansons Harbour. He was accompanied by twelve sappers and miners and their families, together with Whittington’s colonists this brought the population of Anson’s Harbour to approximately 50.
    In 1842: Lieutenant Governor Moody was instructed Lord Stanley the British Secretary of State for War and the Colonies to report on the potential of the Port William area as the site of the new capital. Moody assigned the task of surveying the area to Captain Ross, leader of the Antarctic Expedition.
    In 1843: British Captain Ross delivered his report, concluding that Port William afforded a good deep-water anchorage for naval vessels, and that the southern shores of Port Jackson was a suitable location for the proposed settlement. Not everyone was enthused with the selection of the location of the new capital, J. B. Whittington famously remarked that “Of all the miserable bog holes, I believe that Mr Moody has selected one of the worst for the site of his town.”
    July 1843: Construction [under British rule] of the new Port William settlement started.
    July 1845: At British Governor Moody’s suggestion the new capital of the islands was officially named Port Stanley after Lord Stanley.
    In 1845: The structure of the British Colonial Government was established with the formation of the Legislative Council and Executive Council and work on the construction of Government House commenced.
    In 1846: the first officers appointed to the Colonial Government took their posts, by this time a number of residences, a large storage shed, carpenter’s shop and blacksmiths shop had been completed and the Government Dockyard laid-out.
    Until 1846: Moody had allotted feral cattle to new settlers and the new agreement not only prevented this but made Stanley dependent upon Lafone for supplies of Beef
    In 1846: Vernet had furnished Samuel Fisher Lafone, a British merchant operating from Montevideo, with details of the Falklands Islands including a map. Sensing that the exploitation of feral cattle on the islands would be a lucrative venture, Lafone negotiated a contract with the British Government that gave him exclusive rights to this resource.
    Cattle were concentrated in the southern part of East Falklands, an area that became known as Lafonia. Lafone was an absentee landlord and never actually set foot on the islands. His activities were not monitored by the British and rather than introducing more British settlers as he promised, he brought large numbers of Spanish and Indian Gauchos to hunt cattle.
    In 1846: Hope Place was established on the south shores of Brenton Loch.
    In 1847: Under British rule, Government House opened as the offices of the Lieutenant.
    By 1849: Many of the British colonists had moved from Ansons Harbour to Port Stanley. As the new town expanded the population grew rapidly reaching 200. The population was further expanded by the arrival from London of 30 married Chelsea Pensioners and their families. The Chelsea Pensioners were to form the permanent garrison and police force taking over from the Royal Sappers and Miners Regiment who had garrisoned the early colony.
    In 1849: Under British rule, a sod wall (the Boca wall) was built across the isthmus at Darwin to control the movement of cattle.
    In 1849: Lafone continued to develop his Cattle business interests and looked to establish a joint stock company with his London creditors.
    In 1850: In London a company was launched as the The Royal Falkland Land, Cattle, Seal and Fishery Company, soon thereafter this was incorporated under British Royal Charter as the The Falkland Islands Company Limited. British businessman Lafone became a director and his brother-in-law J.P.Dale the company’s first manager in the Falkland Islands.
    By 1852: The feral cattle had been hunted virtually to extinction by Gauchos and the company switched to sheep farming with the introduction of the Cheviot breed of sheep.
    Sheep farming became the dominant form of agriculture on the Islands.
    In 1854: Under British rule, The Exchange Building opened, part of the building was later used as a church.
    In 1854: Under British rule, the establishment of Marmont Row, including the Eagle Inn now known as the Upland Goose Hotel.
    In 1859: Government House became the British Governor’s residence when Governor Moore took residence.
    In 1860: The Lafone Beef contract was terminated but the Falkland Islands Company was given a grant to the area known as Lafonia. Ownership of the remaining cattle outside of Lafonia reverted to the British Government and hunting cattle without permission was banned.
    Under British rule, in the second half of the 19th century, Darwin, Goose Green, Fox Bay and Port Howard were established.
    In 1866: Port Howard was founded by James Lovegrove Waldron, and his brother; the Waldron brothers later left for Patagonia, but left the farm under local management.
    In 1874: The first large tallow works in the islands (though not the first) was set up by the Falkland Island Company.
    By 1876: Under British rule, the ship-repair trade began to slacken off with the establishment of the Plimsol Line, which saw the elimination of the so-called coffin ships and un-seaworthy vessels that might otherwise have ended up in Stanley for repair.
    In 1878: Under British rule, so much peat had been mined as a fuel it lead to a peat slip. This resulted in the destruction of several houses.
    In 1880: The Falkland Island Company handled 15,891 sheep.
    By 1886: Under British rule, common on the islands peat has traditionally been exploited as a fuel. Uncontrolled exploitation of this natural resource lead to so much peat had been mined as a fuel it lead to a peat slip. This resulted in the deaths of two women and the destruction of the Exchange Building.
    In 1887: Under British rule, Jubilee Villas were built to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria. Jubilee Villas are a row of brick built houses that follow a traditional British pattern.
    The 1890’s: Under British rule, with the introduction of increasingly reliable iron steamships the trade declined further.
    In 1892: Under British rule, the Tabernacle United Free Church was consecrated, constructed from an imported timber kit.
    In 1892: Christ Church Cathedral was consecrated and completed in 1903.
    In 1914: Under British rule, trade was no longer viable following the opening of the Panama Canal. Port Stanley continued to be a busy port supporting whaling and sealing activities in the early part of the 20th century, British warships (and garrisons) in the First World War and also the Second World War and the fishing and cruise ship industries in the latter half of the century.
    In 1933: Christ Church Cathedral received its famous whalebone arch, constructed from the jaws of two Blue Whales to commemorate the centenary of continuous British administration.

  4. Peter you are so stupid it’s unbelievable.If the Falkland islands are 350 miles from Argentina.How far are they to England? You such a white ass kisser.Go England and live nuh? Get a life you idiot! Brainwashed fool.History is all fraud you idiot.The whole world knows that by now except your dumb ass.What happen to lynch will happen to you soon wait and

    1. Pat Robinson Commissing says:

      You know, a number of you write as if you have no knowledge of European settlement in the Americas. Spain “discovered” the “New World” in 1492. In 1493 the Pope (the Spanish born Alexander VI) decreed that all the lands 100 leagues west or south of the Azores or Cape Verde Islands belonged to Spain. In 1494 Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, dividing all the newly discovered lands between themselves. No Europeans other than the Spanish, the Portuguese and the Pope accepted this. Hence the continuing wars with varying alliances between Spain, Portugal, France, England (later the United Kingdom) The Netherlands and privateers of all nationalities. If you consider The Falklands “war Booty” (F.U.D.Z.) then so are all the islands of the Caribbean, except Cuba and the eastern portion of Hispaniola – that is, The Dominican Republic. That’s how St Vincent became a British colony – war booty. And Guyana is either a part of Venezuela or “war booty” too.
      The other European powers, after a few wars with the Spanish, finally agreed that any territory not occupied by the Spanish was fair game to anyone who could settle it – this, of course did not stop the British from seizing Jamaica, which had Spanish settlements, from the Spanish. Jamaica was occupied by the Spanish which is how Jamaican places like Spanish Town and Ocho Rios got their names. So presumably Jamaica is “war booty” too. The Falklands, on the other hand, were uninhabited when the French and the British first established settlements. So why does Argentina now have a greater right to the Islands? Jamaicans chose independence. The inhabitants of the Falkland Islands opted to remain self-governing British Overseas Territories, as did St Helena, Montserrat, the BVI, the Cayman Islands, the Turks and Caicos Islands. The Falklands were given several possible options for their future and they chose the overseas territory option. Who are we to say that they were wrong? Most of the inhabitants are of British descent but there are also French, Scandinavians, Chileans. There are no indigenous people because there were no indigenous people when the Europeans arrived. But every country in the Americans was settled by people of European descent and a large number of them are still there – or hadn’t you noticed? Which people of European descent have “more” right”, other than the right of settlers, to be in any part of the Americas.
      And I saw in the report that the PM said that the British High Commission sent a Diplomatic Note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and that was not enough. The PM can pretend to those who do not know, but I refuse to believe that he does not know that Diplomatic Notes are the official form of communication between two sovereign governments. And the communication takes place between the diplomatic representative of Country A and the government department responsible for foreign affairs in Country B. So for St Vincent to communicate officially with the United States the Diplomatic Note goes from St Vincent’s Embassy in Washington to the US State Department. That is an OFFICIAL country to country communication. If St Vincent is making an official communication to the Government of the United Kingdom, the Note goes from St Vincent’s High Commission in the UK to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It’s not a note, like a bit of writing on a scrap of paper. It’s a formal communication starting “The British High Commission presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and requests ….,,,,” and ends with professions of continued regard. Saint Vincent sends similar communications to other governments. The report makes it appear the our PM thinks that a telephone call is somehow superior to a Diplomatic Note. Even if the PM of the UK called our PM about something, if it were an important matter the telephone conversation would be followed by a Diplomatic Note from the UK’s diplomatic mission to Saint Vincent, that is, the High Commission. (I trust you all know that Commonwealth countries call their diplomatic missions to each other “High Commissions”, while their missions to everybody else are Embassies? We could, if we wanted and could afford it, have High Commissions in Canada, South Africa, Ghana, India, Australia, or any of the 53 Commonwealth countries but Embassies in the US, Spain, Venezuela, Cuba or anywhere else)

  5. Jason, thanks for showing us your wicked and evil mind, you really are a jerk and your behaviour brings Gonsalves and the ULP into serious disrepute. Keep it up well done.

    Perhaps your choice of words are the choice Gonsalves would make, but that still isn’t good enough. The main thing is what you state is mainly untrue and from an untrained and imature mind, as Gonsalves says, one of his dunce class.

    350 miles is like SVG claiming Venezuela, idiot boy.

  6. Pat, very well put together except you missed the real beginning of your history lesson.

    Antonio Gonsalves a Portuguese sea captain took 8 Africans as slaves from the South West African coast. He presented them to his employer Prince Henry of Portugal. They were given as a gift to the Pope who was so enthralled with his gift that he carved up the World between the Spanish and the Portuguese.
    Gonsalves of Portugal and Madeira in this action set in motion the Atalantic slave trade. Many Gonsalves family members now populace the World.

  7. VincyPowa, you made that connection not me. I never mentioned Gonsalves of Saint Vincent. Do you know the answer, if you do tell us.

    Thank you for agreeing with the rest of what I wrote.

    Its time you apologised as well.

    By for now ‘mini-me Gunzi’


  8. VINCYPOWA, are you going to answer my previous posting [of Feb24] in reply to your posting [of Feb 23] enquiring what Gonsalves the Vincentian Marxist has to do with my posting of Feb 23.

    Cat got your tongue?

  9. PETER, I did not answer your post, because NOT every IDIOTIC post of yours I am going to respond to. However, since you INSIST, I will OBLIGE.

    Do you REMEMBER this QUOTE of yours?

    “Did you know that a Gonsalves family member Antonio Gonsalves a sea captain, took the first African slaves back to Portugal which marked the beginning of the Atlantic slave trade. This is not fiction, its historical fact.”

    In case you’re THINKING of DENY it was posted by you, here is the LINK.

    Now put TWO and TWO together and tell me if my posting on February 23 becomes CLEARER to you now.


  10. Its not just the Falklanders that Gonsalves has insulted, he has insulted every Vincentian. Why did he not tell us what else we signed up to in Caracas. Not telling us is yet another form of lying, lying by omission.

    February 2012, Caracas, Venezuela: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and the other ALBA countries agreed to deposit 1 percent of their international reserves in the ALBA Bank including members Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
    ALBA leaders also announced at the meeting that the group will soon expand with Suriname and St. Lucia as new members.
    Bolivian President Evo Morales proposed that the group form a defence council for their militaries to work more closely together.
    Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa suggested that the group boycott an upcoming Americas summit in Colombia in April if Cuba is excluded from the meeting.
    Chavez and the other ALBA members also used the ALBA meeting to make a statement condemning violence in Syria, which they said had been fomented by foreign powers including the U.S. They condemned the rebels and supported the Syrian Government.
    The group also backed Argentina on Saturday in its long-running dispute with Britain over the Falkland Islands. Chavez and the other ALBA leaders condemned Britain’s stance.

    Gonsalves, we want all the details of what you have agreed to, remember you are only the Prime Minister, not the King or President of SVG.

  11. VincyPowa, everytime you post something it only confirms your stupidity. You really are a fisrt class Unity Liars Party Idiot, only surpassed by the LIar King himself.

    Yes I wrote that. What is wrong with it? You seem to be hell bent to put Gonsalves in the frame as being an ancester of the Antonio Gonsalves. Well if you have that information lets all see it.

    Is Ralph Gonsalves a relative of Antonio Gonsalves, the man that set in motion the Atlantic Slave Trade in African people?

  12. PETER, it seems like your BRAIN is not WORKING, so let me REPOST it for you.

    Is this your comment or not?

    “Did you know that a Gonsalves family member Antonio Gonsalves a sea captain, took the first African slaves back to Portugal which marked the beginning of the Atlantic slave trade. This is not fiction, its historical fact.”

    Well, since it is you who made that statement, then what is it there that you’re CONFUSED about?

    That said; not everyone is a CHALLENGED like you, so there is no need for you to ask the question if Ralph Gonsalves is a relative of Antonio Gonsalves because you have ALREADY come to that CONCLUSION by the QUOTE I have POSTED.

    Again, what is the purpose of linking Ralph Gonsalves to Antonio Gonsalves?

    That is the question that you need to ANSWER.

    See you around BUB.

Comments closed.