KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent – Former host of the New Democratic Party’s “New Times” radio programme, Eduardo “E.G.” Lynch returned to the show yesterday to ask listeners to donate money to help him seek medical attention as his vision diminishes.
“I am here this morning on a special mission, one that I hope you will support and give credit to,” said Lynch in his first appearance on the daily programme in months.
Lynch told listeners to the programme that he hosted for 11 years that he has to travel overseas for medical attention “in order to help me regain my sight”.
“As you know, I am not totally blind, I still can see, I still can walk. But at this time, it seems as if the sight is getting worse day by day. And, at this time, it is very important that I go to a country somewhere — either the United States, England or Canada — to get whatever help I can in order to regain that sight or at least put a halt to the deterioration of the sight,” he said.
“With me nowadays, I cannot read small letter, or what we call ordinary letters. It has to be of a certain size,” he explained.
“I hope you will be able to do what I am asking you to do because I could remember that I personally aided a lot of persons,” he said in reference to the bank account information of persons in need that he announced while he hosted the programme.
“We use to announce it on the programme daily and, in that manner, we were able to aid persons suffering from all sorts of illnesses,” Lynch said.
“I know that a lot of you probably appreciate the voice again. The old man is still talking, still full of vigour but I guess the reason why I am not on the programme is because I cannot read; I cannot see properly.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it was a pleasure to serve you. I wish that pleasure would continue. And if it does, I will be able to serve you just as before. … I try everyday to live a normal life. If I go down town, I ride the vans; people give me rides when they see me stand up at the roadside. So I try my best to be what I am supposed to be,” Lynch said.
Persons wishing to donate to Lynch can do so by making a deposit in account number 5059179 at the Bank of Nova Scotia in Kingstown.