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A segment of the audience at the consultation.
A segment of the audience at the consultation.
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More development work is in the pipeline for Canouan and the developers, Canouan Resorts Development (CRD), want to keep the residents in the loop, CRD said in a release.

Last week, CCA Ltd., the design and construction company of CRD led by the General Manager, Elena Korach, interacted with a group of leading Canouan residents, to provide them with more information in relation to the proposed development work.

Also in attendance were Head of the Grenadines Directorate Department, Edwin Snagg, Permanent Secretary, in the Ministry of National Security, Godfred Pompey, and Joseph “Burns” Bonadie, the adviser to the government on labour relations.

Among the proposed plans was the construction of a ring road in the Grand Bay area, to facilitate the smooth flow of movement and to protect pedestrians from vehicular traffic while opening up other areas for possible development. This will allow villagers and guests will be offered a whole new pleasant experience when strolling along the main road with shops and scenic landscaping.

The plans also included the relocation of the library and vegetable market, the construction of new sporting facilities and a temporary jetty, and the provision of water fountains in strategic areas in Grand Bay.

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The whole exercise is expected to cost some EC$30 million. CCA has committed to conduct a full environmental impact assessment study, before undertaking the development work, the release further said.

During the lively discussion that followed, it was determined that there was a need for an inventory of skilled labour among the people of Canouan. The residents also suggested that CCA Ltd. also examine the possibility of constructing a recreation center for the elderly.

A further meeting with the residents is planned for August.

One reply on “More development for Canouan”

  1. Very nice that CRD are working with the Canouan people, more than the government has ever done.

    Now if they are paying $30 million for the comfort of the people, what are they proposing taking from the people in return, what kind of dodgy deal has the government done that is not yet being told.

    It would appear that only 9 people were invited.

    As they say business is business, therefore the people must expect some kind of trade off, coming from CDC it will probably come as the truth, if it comes from the government it will probably contain a whole load of crap and an element of untruth.

    The only thing that worries me is that the government has decided to treat what the final trade off once again, as a state secret.

    In attendance were Head of the Grenadines Directorate Department, Edwin Snagg, Permanent Secretary, in the Ministry of National Security, Godfred Pompey, and Joseph “Burns” Bonadie, the adviser to the government on labour relations.

    Where was the peoples elected representative, its ok sending all that nasty ULP crap but how about the MP.

    What kind of cheap political game is the scum brigade playing, trying to corrupt the minds of the Canouan people, and in doing so unable to help themselves in rendering disrespect.

    We must remember the ULP government has just sold off 25 acres and 40 acres of prime Canouan coastal land to developers, where is that in the equation of things?

    Sorry but I just cannot trust the government, because as Gonsalves told us, show me a liar and I will show you a thief.

    Its my contention that with-holding relevant information is akin to telling lies.

    CRD I would imagine that you are funding this project, because our government is stone broke. The only thing I implore of you is that your are truthful with the people and make public knowledge of whatever else is being done, but is currently being hidden by the government. If you do have some project in mind that is not currently being voiced, bring it forward, least you counter the wrath of the Canouan people. Because offering them something with one hand and taking something with the other will be seen as dishonest, even slight of hand.

    Please tell the whole story, its not possible development, as mentioned in the article, its definite development, lets get straight to the honest truth.

    These people have suffered over the years with dust and grime with the initial building of the Canouan Resort. They have also suffered hatred, spite and malice from the government, they do not need more suffering from either of you. They already feel aggrieved by the recent selling of 65 acres, land that will exclude family expansion in the future, or no land for returning islanders after a lifetime of work abroad.

    The people have also been shafted regarding their promised school, their children suffering lodging and a long sea journey to the Capital.


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