One of the two newspapers that Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves last month accused of defaming him has apologised.
Gonsalves said on Monday that he has accepted the apology published in The Vincentian on Friday and will not sue.
He, however, said he is still awaiting an apology from The News newspaper, which he also accused of publishing a defamatory comment on July 26.
He said that if the weekly does not apologise, he would sue for defamation.
The Vincentian, in the apology last week, said that it acknowledged that an allegation that columnist Dr. Kenneth John made in his article of July 26 was “is defamatory and is groundless and indefensible, and ought not to have been published”.
The publication apologised “unreservedly for having published the defamatory allegation” and also offered “ sincere apologies to the Prime Minister for the distress and embarrassment caused by the publication of the allegation”.
Gonsalves has also demanded an apology from John. However, John has denied media request for a comment.
Gonsalves, who like John is a lawyer, said that if apologies are received he would not sue, but added that he is not afraid of the courts.
Gonsalves has successfully sued local radio station NICE Radio and several individuals for defamation.
The difference is he demanded money and an apology from Nice Radio. He treated them differently than anyone else. I in my tiny world I assumed that was spite against Duggie.
That’s all our Prime Minister does best, is to sue sue sue
It time the people who are against the PM stop defaming the man. Everyday, he has to put up with lot of falsehood and defamation of his character. He is just a human being like everyone. He has the right to Sue anyone. Those who think otherwise should ask themsele in the shoe was on their feet, they would sue too.
The opposition can not win him at the ballot and will continued to try and sneak into goverment by spreading lies, defaming people. Let them pay for their mouth or shut up.
Enough is Enough.
TAKE A PILL PHIL, how about all the nasty dirty names he has called Vincentian citizens?
How about the dirty gestures with sexual connotations that he has made?
How about him telling us he is a liar?
How about him telling us that if we show him a liar, he will show us a thief?
How about him signing a contract with the teachers, telling them it was the best they had ever had, then later telling us that all that signed it knew at the time it was unconstitutional and therefore unenforceable?
How about him telling us that he is here to finish the work of Maurice Bishop? that dead Marxist scumbag who instructed his central committee to keep two sets of accounts to defraud the IMF [evidence of such is public record].
How about those things? I am sure there were people who would like to sue him, but know they could never afford to do so.
Now I have not made any of those things up, they are well recorded and published numerous times. They are all things that can be proven.
I do not come here to tell lies, I simply come here without spite or malice, without hate or nastiness, just to make sure you take the PILL PHIL.
Hmmm, suing for defamation seems to be the way to go…. Easy money.