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The North Leeward community will come alive on Saturday as the community-based youth group Generation Next host its inaugural cultural event dubbed “Culture Fest”.

The event, which will commence at 1 p.m. at the Chateaubelair Playing Field, forms part of activities to mark this country’s National Heroes and Heritage Month.

According to Terranza Franklyn, one of the co-ordinators of the event, the programme will see cultural presentations from youth groups in North Leeward along with addresses from the National Reparations Committee, the Ministry of Culture and lawyer Carlos James, who is vying to be the Unity Labour Party’s candidate for the constituency.

“We have a well-packaged programme and we are expecting contributions from a wide cross-section of persons from the North Leeward community. We are encouraging everyone to come out on Saturday and celebrate our heritage with us,” Franklyn said.

According to Caywama Edwards, another organiser of the event, “Culture Fest” will be a cultural explosion of arts, creole food and music.

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“We are going to have creole food on sale along with poetry, singing and traditional dances such as the maypole. This is going to be an exciting opportunity for young people to get a taste of our heritage,” she said.

Edwards further siad taht Generation Next’s aim is to empower young people through a number of youth-centred activities and initiatives to further develop the minds and skills of our youth in North Leeward.

“We recognise that in order for our youths to be truly empowered, pride in and honour for our heritage must be promoted. This event will serve as a reminder of who we are and where we have come from as a people,” Edwards said.

This year’s event is being held under the theme, “A cultural explosion, remembering our heritage through youthful expressions”.