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The views expressed herein are those of the writer and do not represent the opinions or editorial position of I-Witness News. Opinion pieces can be submitted to [email protected].

Ralph Gonsalves said he is the blackest prime minister ever in Saint Vincent, he also said “being black is not a colour its an attitude”. Now we need to decide was that an insult to black men, or how should we view what he said?

He has said many nasty things about black and people of lesser tints of black. According to Gonsalves people like the Chastanets of Saint Lucia are not black they are brown skinned Mulatto’s, yet he declares his son as being black, isn’t he a Mulatto too.

Gonsalves said that if he and Eustace were walking in the middle of the night and chanced upon then U.S. President George Bush, Bush would greet him and ask who is that man (Eustace). In fact Gonsalves, has made a number of nasty insulting racist remarks about the Honourable Arnhim Eustace.

His first wife was black, his second wife is kind of black, perhaps some East Indian about her.

I have also noted that all the women who have accused him of rape or sexual assault were black. The police woman – black; the Canadian lawyer — black.

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Now it’s most obvious that he is a white man, perhaps his speciality in woman choice is black, perhaps he is affected by the old black magic. After all he did tell us that if he works obeah, he only works obeah for the Lord. I have asked numerous times who is he referring to when he says “obeah for the Lord”, because you cannot work obeah for God; you can for Satan, the prince of darkness. So when Gonsalves told us he was the blackest prime minister in Saint Vincent, perhaps he wasn’t talking about colour, perhaps he was referring to being a disciple of the prince of darkness. One thing I am a hundred per cent sure of, linking the working of obeah with God can only be described as gross blasphemy.

Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God, to religious or holy persons or things, or toward something considered sacred or inviolable.

Some countries have laws to punish religious blasphemy, while others have laws that allow those who are offended by blasphemy to punish blasphemers. Those laws may condone penalties or retaliation for blasphemy under the labels of blasphemous libel, expression of opposition, or “vilification,” of religion or of some religious practices, religious insult, or hate speech.

Christian theology condemns blasphemy. It is spoken of in Mark 3:29, where blaspheming the Holy Spirit is spoken of as unforgivable — the eternal sin. However, there is dispute over what form this blasphemy may take and whether it qualifies as blasphemy in the conventional sense; and over the meaning of “unforgivable”.

Mark 3:29: “The crowd came together again, so that they could not even eat. And when his family heard it, they went out to seize him, for people were saying, ‘He is beside himself.’ And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, ‘He is possessed by Beelzebul, and by the prince of demons he casts out the demons.’ And he called them to him, and said to them in parables, ‘How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but is coming to an end. But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man; then indeed he may plunder his house.

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin’—for they had said, ‘”He has an unclean spirit.’”

“If I work obeah, I only work obeah for the Lord.” Gonsalves said that in parliament, he has never withdrawn the statement, he has never publicly apologised. Has he asked the Lord for forgiveness for this? Only the priest who would take his confession would know, and he is sworn to sacred secrecy. Perhaps he asked the Pope to forgive him. One thing for sure, he has had ample time to do all those things. Let’s just hope that the blasphemy is not against the Holy Spirit.

That old black magic has me in its spell
That old black magic that you weave so well
Those icy fingers up and down my spine
The same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine

The same old tingle that I feel inside
And then that elevator starts its ride
And down and down I go, round and round I go
Like a leaf that’s caught in the tide

I should stay away but what can I do?
I hear your name and I’m aflame
A flame with such a burning desire
That only your kiss can put out the fire

‘Cause you are the lover I have waited for
The mate that fate had me created for
And every time your lips meet mine

Down and down I go, round and round I go
In a spin, loving the spin that I’m in
Under that old black magic called Obeah.

Peter Binose, self-appointed keeper of the whistle.

The opinions presented in this content belong to the author and may not necessarily reflect the perspectives or editorial stance of iWitness News. Opinion pieces can be submitted to [email protected].

11 replies on “The blackest PM in St. Vincent?”

  1. Peter Binose says:

    One thing we need to ponder, are we black people white men with an attitude? is it our attitudes that make us black? Is Africa a Nation of people with an attitude?

    One of the remarks which he said is without doubt in my mind Blasphemmy against God, the other may be a set of racists remark about black people.

    This man must apologise on a number of fronts, an apology to God and all of Saint Vincents Christians should be a priority, not a rambling speach about what he really meant or what he didn’t mean, a simple few lines of apology, and to mean what he says.

    The other matter is the probable racist remarks he made about black people, about the Chasteneys, and Mr Eustace. Again not a rambling speach about what he meant or what he didn’t mean, a simple apology, just a few words, and to mean what he says.

    Its as simple as that. Because God or none of the people who he has insulted are going to take him to court and sue him, as he so quickly sues others. A simple apology will suffice.

  2. Peter, where do you get the time to write such trash. In terms of Ralph policies for poor Black people in the field of education, housing, jobs for Black youth through YES project, land reform, proper air access for Black Vincy travellers, scholarships for poor Black women, rebuilding the national security infrastructure that would protect our Black women, focus on Heritage of nation by ushering in National Heroes Day and emancipation month, reparations for Black Vincies. Peter you want me to continue?????? NO OTHER PRIME MINISTER IN SVG HAS DONE SO MUCH FOR BLACK PEOPLE LIKE RALPH GONSALVES. HE IS THE BLACKEST PM SO FAR. Come again Peter, your credibility is under attack by none other than yourself. Keep the rubbish coming so we could see why to keep the likes of Cummings and all the rest in the NDP from governing our nation. You are doing a good job in convincing Vincentians why the NDP should never win the seat of government again. You are the NDP biggest enemy.

  3. Peter,

    What is your take on the breaking news report by IWitness News recently on the 2 sheep that were dragged, one to death? I trust IWitness News to investigate and report accurately.

    Was that an act of animal cruelty? What does the law of SVG have to say about animal cruelty?

    Peter I thought you would have found this a more serious topic to write on since this woman who allegedly committed this crime is our future First Lady.

    I personally feel with the most 2 recently developement of the Tribunal ruling in Mrs. Nicholas favour and now this abuse on 2 innocent annimals that we are in order to call for the resignation of the people’s opposition leader.

    What is the penalty if found guilty of this serious terrible act of animal cruelty?

  4. Peter Binose says:

    Mourine, I will not comment about Mrs Eustace because I know nothing about it, I don’t know whether it is true, partially true or an out and out lie. When I do I will write an opinion.
    If you know the truth write a letter to this media and tell us all about it. If you know the truth and have researched what you state and can write from a point of fact, and can prove what you state, write a letter. To try and equate it with something I wrote is little less than stupidity on your part. Stop being one of the Worlds silly people and get real.

    Fitz, I am nothing whatsoever to do the the NDP, I have never ever spoken to Eustace or most of the NDP people. Unlike you Fitz who is a supporter of an extreme Marxist led government in SVG, I am a supporter of old labour, the party that was hijacked by a bunch of Marxist’s and because under their own banner they could never get into power, instead of naming the party the Unity Communist Party, they called it the Unity Labour Party.

    It is my considered opinion that most of what you have written is an expose on how poor Vincentians are being fooled by people like you and your extreme leader. Even if Gonsalves has done some good, no amount of good can cancel or excuse any of what I and others consider evil acts.

    Fitz, you are either an extremely stupid person of are a deceiver of people, most likely both.
    There are no jobs for poor black people; they are rotting in their villages, abandoned to a life on the scrap heap. Given an education and being asked to pay for their own education revolution. Books that cost 300 to 700 dollars a year, laptops that turned out to be absolute crap, and they had to pay for them. Money demanded from poor people, for them to pay they would have to beg, steal or prostitute themselves to find, and it also takes food from their tables. The poor funding their own education revolution.

    Children by the thousand leaving school and no jobs, no future, no quality of life.

    A man from the past invented as a National hero, a man called Chatoyer who had already sold out Saint Vincent to the French. A man that paraded himself in Saint Vincent and Martinique in clothes of a French gentleman. A man who was made along with his brother Duvalier and perhaps even the rest of Vincentians of that time as French citizens. He was also made a General of the French army. Chatoyer and his brother and other Garifuna of that time, kept and worked slaves. They were slave keepers. He fought along side the French in Saint Vincent as both a French Citizen and a French General. When the British finally took control, the French surrendered the island to the British. St. Vincent was ceded to Britain by the Treaty of Paris in 1763, after which friction between the British and the Caribs led to the First Carib War. The island was restored to French rule in 1779 and regained by the British under the Treaty of Versailes in 1783. The French must of considered they owned the island to cede it to Britain, and this is confirmed by the Treaty of Versailes. Saint Vincent had been sold out by Chatoyer.

    In an interview with Kendrick Nanton of the Searchlight news paper, Dr Kirby was asked “And how does he feel about Paramount Chief Joseph Chatoyer being declared a National hero“ ?

    Dr Kirby replied, “I am glad that the powers that be think that there are other people who are more important or as important as they are especially with this partisan politics now.”

    ‘Dr Kirby feels that national heroes should be selected on the basis of what they have done that has affected most people in a positive way‘.

    He lashed out at the politicians for wanting to be national heroes by putting themselves on pedestals, he further said ” politicians will like that because naturally being a politician is the only criterion some of them have”.

    What is well noted by me is that during this interview, even when asked the question, Dr Kirby never made a comment about Chatoyer, good or bad.

    Now what I write here about Chatoyer is not fiction its fact, it was first brought to my attention by the late Dr Kirby, he also told me how when he wrote about Duvallier keeping slaves, he left out from his book the fact that Chatoyer kept slaves at a request from a top politician who told him his book would never be available to Vincentian school children unless he did.

    There is plenty of evidence of what I write in French public records and diaries of the day, also lots written by the British. The problem I have is the continual feeding of children’s minds of untrue facts about Saint Vincent’s past. A typical Marxist procedure, history rewritten.

    It is most unlikely that Vincentian travellers will be able to fly directly into Argyle airport. Of course a few will but the majority will not. We will never generate enough traffic to make it a viable destination. There are wind problems that are insurmountable, at times it will impossible and dangerous to land at Argyle because of adverse side winds, the runway was not aligned correctly. Private wind studies are awaiting the official studies to compare with the official ones.
    When an aircraft leaves the US, UK or somewhere far afield, they must be sure that when the arrive at their destination that landing conditions are such that they will not need to divert, aircraft diversion costs thousands of dollars and puts travellers where they do not want to be.

    I will not go into scholarships for poor black women, and why they need to go to visit Gonsalves to get one.

    With regards to rebuilding the National Security the NIS, the fund has been raped by granting loans to the Argyle airport, so we will leave that also for the moment.

    As for your comment that “the NDP should never win the seat of government again. You are the NDP biggest enemy“. That is not my problem its theirs.

    They have no influence or input or control over anything I write, do or say. Now Fitz that must make you a jealous man that I am free to write what I believe to be true, you are bound hand and foot and can only write what is approved party line, even approved party lies.

  5. I take this opportunity to address the continued nonsensical ramblings of Peter Bignose. However, let me ask Peter Bignose this question:
    “WHAT DO YOU THINK of the situation where ‘Ah-name Useless’ continuously refuses to make severance payments to his ex-secretary, despite numerous rulings against him?

    St Clair Leacock and all, has advised Ah-name Useless to pay Ms Nichols, and move on – but, no-dice. Ah-name refuses to budge.

    BIGNOSE, do you think Ah-name is ruining the NDP’s image by hurting Ms Nichols?

  6. John A. Simpleman says:

    Mourine, what world are you living in? I think too many people are making an issue about the sheep. If she did, what she is accused of doing- well it’s sad but I understand. This is a woman who has had a high profile job in a company for years and had been fired and now survives on farming only. For people to tie their animals on her land and for those animals to eat down the woman crops is horrible! After a lot of work in the blazing sun/rain, etc. NOT a single soul stop to ask the woman if the pattern of people tiring animals on her land resulting in the destruction of her crops was regular. Did she ever have to speak to these same farmers before? Well, I would not have dragged them but certainly we were going to eat curry mutton! The request for his resignation for these reasons make no sense. Please try again!

    Peter, I often read your submissions which often provoke thought. Not that I agree all the I me but at least you get me to see things from a different perspective. Unfortunately, for me however this one isn’t thought provoking at all. The PM’s comments about the opposition leader blackness can only be summed up as political digs.

    Fitz, let’s not be too harsh and too naive- we all know that a lot more can be done and that some policies only benefit a few. THAT, I think is our biggest problem.

    1. Then common sense will remind a real human being to go after the owner and not the innocent animal.

      Even. if the animal was loose, the correct and proper thing to do would have been to enpound the animal and let the owner pay.

  7. Kenton,
    Could you tell me why you cannot practice the same thing you would want for your newspapers? Freedom of speech! Why is certain post being deleted? I will raise this question to you publicly in the forum while you attend that media workshop if you choose not to answer here. Freedom of speech does not ONLY attend to the Government. It applies to media outlets such as this one giving everyone a chance to exercise their democratic right.

  8. Peter Binose says:

    MkII Comment

    Mourine, I will not comment about Mrs Eustace because I know nothing about it, I don’t know whether it is true, partially true or an out and out lie. When I do I will write an opinion.
    If you know the truth write a letter to this media and tell us all about it. If you know the truth and have researched what you state and can write from a point of fact, write a letter. To try and equate it with something I wrote is little less than stupidity on your part. Stop being one of the Worlds silly people and get real.

    Fitz, I am nothing whatsoever to do the the NDP, I have never ever spoken to Eustace or most of the NDP people. Unlike you Fitz who is a supporter of an extreme Marxist led government in SVG, I am a supporter of old labour, the party that was hijacked by a bunch of Marxist’s and because under their own banner they could never get into power, instead of naming the party the Unity Communist Party, they called it the Unity Labour Party.

    It is my considered opinion that most of what you have written is an expose on how poor Vincentians are being fooled by people like you and your extreme leader. Even if Gonsalves has done some good, no amount of good can cancel or excuse any of what I and others may consider nasty, even evil acts.

    Fitz, you are either an extremely stupid person of are a deceiver of people, most likely both.
    There are no jobs for poor black people; they are rotting in their villages, abandoned to a life on the scrap heap. Given an education and being asked to pay for their own education revolution. Books that cost 300 to 700 dollars a year, laptops that turned out to be absolute crap, and they had to pay for them. Money demanded from poor people, for them to pay they would have to beg, steal
    or prostitute themselves to find, and it also takes food from their tables. The poor funding their own education revolution.

    Children by the thousand leaving school and no jobs, no future, no quality of life.

    It is most unlikely that Vincentian travellers will be able to fly directly into Argyle airport. Of course a few will but the majority will not. We will never generate enough traffic to make it a viable destination. There are wind problems that are insurmountable, at times it will impossible and dangerous to land at Argyle because of adverse side winds, the runway was not aligned correctly. Private wind studies are awaiting the official studies to compare with the official ones.
    When an aircraft leaves the US, UK or somewhere far afield, they must be sure that when the arrive at their destination that landing conditions are such that they will not need to divert, aircraft diversion costs thousands of dollars and puts travellers where they do not want to be.

    I will not go into scholarships for poor black women, and why they need to go to visit Gonsalves to get one.

    With regards to rebuilding the National Security the NIS, I believe the fund has been raped and plundered by granting loans to the Argyle airport, so we will leave that also for the moment.

    As for your comment that “the NDP should never win the seat of government again. You are the NDP biggest enemy“. That is not my problem its theirs.

    They have no influence or input or control over anything I write, do or say. Now Fitz that must make you a jealous man that I am free to write what I believe to be true, you are bound hand and foot and can only write what is approved party line, even approved party lies.

Comments closed.