The audio recording in which a state-employed doctor made critical comments of the Unity Labour Party (ULP) administration to one of his “patients” did not take place at a state-owned healthcare facility, as Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves said on Thursday.
Additionally, the young woman did not go to see the doctor, nor did she make the recording, as Gonsalves said, well-placed sources have told iWitness News.
iWitness News understands that the woman had spoken to the doctor via an instant messaging application about her health.
The recording that Gonsalves said the young woman made was actually a voice note that the doctor sent to the young woman, who, according to information reaching iWitness News, does not even live in the district where the doctor works.
Gonsalves on Thursday described the recording — which iWitness News has since obtained — as akin to “a rant by an NDP fanatic on NICE Radio”.
But someone who listened to the recording described it as sounding more like the doctor giving medical advice to a friend and interspersing the conversation with comments on politics and economic realities, as he sees them, in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
iWitness News further understands that the young lady has denied leaking the recording to Gonsalves and the doctor has said that he does not care about the fact that it has been made public.
Read earlier story below:
This makes the PM’s comments even worse. No wonder our ship of state is sinking with a man like this as captain.
Is it being alleged that this information was obtained by illegal methods such as phone and data eavesdropping?
Was the doctor a target for the special squad?
Because if the young lady did not give the recording to anyone and the doctor didn’t, how was it obtained?
cc US State Department
EU Executive
UK Home Office
Its OK I removed ALBA from the list because the would applaud such behavior.
It sounds like the PM again spinned the truth into falsehoods. If this were done to him, the case would be on its way to court for millions in compensation.
Already there are people saying that the Prime Minister’s gutter politics’ treatment of this non-issue is no big deal at most.
Some are even declaring that the PM was justified when he quoted from what we now know was a dilberately fabricated context.
What a low-life people we have become!
fabricated context.
Kenton ah want to hear something positive about real development that you came away with from the press conference! Or, did you attend?
It hurts you, eh, to read what a low life bottom-feeding scamp we have leading us down the road to hell. But you and he are birds of a feather so you love the way he constantly degrades both himself and his office.
…ben, hurts me you say. How so?
I prayed and worked hard for the ULP to get back into office and my prays and works like the overwhelming majority of Vincentians were answered, and we’re happy to have once again the ULP and the Honorable Dr Ralph E Gonsalves as government and Prime Minister rerspectively. So who is hurting? Well, look around you, look dem dey.
Coming in late to this discussion.
What I do not understand is – if this is not something that Kenton Chance should have reported (because it has nothing to do with “real development”) why did the PM raise the issue in a press conference which presumably was concerned with “real development”? You can’t have it both ways Vinciman.
Or perhaps the press conference was NOT concerned with “real development” in which case Kenton Chance was in a bind. Should he have ignored the press conference altogether, and be accused of being an NDP hack, or report on the recording of a private conversation (which recording was reportedly done by neither the doctor nor the patient ????) and be accused of being an NDP hack. Poor Kenton. Never mind dear Mr Chance. Quite a number of Vincentians think that your reporting is among the best, if not the very best, in our benighted country.
Good question Pat. “Why did the PM raise the issue in a press conference which presumably was concerned with real development”? If you had listened you would have known why. I did, but I ‘ain’t telling, so sorry!
Well if the PM raised the issue than I think that iWitness News was well within its re,it to report it. If this was not a news worthy item , not “real development” and if you and the PM want only “real development’ covered then don’t raise extraneous matters to score political points. Keep to “real development”issues and that’s will inform the reporting., As I said, if the PM decided to bring up an “unreal development” issue then you and he can’t object when it is reported by journalists. if you don’t want the matter discussed than don’t raise it. But if you want to play politics during a serious (I hope_ press conference, then you take what you get. Don’t object because you then decide it’s not a “real development” issue.
In fact, I suspect that this is actually a very real development issue, in that the subsequent reporting suggests that we are getting into a very “Nineteen Eighty-Four” culture of official surveillance of private conversations, in order to penalize those who have the temerity to criticize our rulers. And that should be the concern of all serious citizens.