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One man is dead and another is in hospital nursing bullet wounds after a shooting in Diamond Wednesday night.

Reports are that both men were in a shop when someone entered and shot one of them twice in the chest.

Another of the men was said to have been asleep and was awoken by the sound of gunfire.

The gunman also shot that second man, but he is said to have survived his injuries.

Police are investigating.

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4 replies on “Man shot dead, another injured in Diamond”

    1. C. ben-David says:

      Jeannine, you have get out more often.

      Obviously he was sleeping off a drunken bender in a rum shop.

      Bet he pissed his skin when the gunshot woke him up!

    2. They call all bars “shops”, (unless it is a “rasta-bar”). Not a shop in the traditional sense.

  1. Is it that gun violence is becoming the norm or being accepted in St Vincent? When will the police and the government of the day look at our Caribbean neighbors and see the effect of crimes on economies, tourism, and family life? It is time to be proactive one crime, because at the end of the day no tourist is traveling to any country with a high crime rate. Airport can wait life’s cannot!

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