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Union Island

A Swiss tourist had to be airlifted out of Union Island on Saturday, one day after he was knocked unconscious by a an unknown assailant who pelted him and two of his compatriots with stones Friday night.

The three Swiss tourists, who came to St. Vincent and the Grenadines on board a yacht, had just left Anchorage Yacht Club around 11:30 p.m., after having dinner.

When they got to the area is Union Island known as  Park, an unknown assailant pelted them with stones and demanded money.

The three visitors, all of whom are said to be retirees, did not have any money on them at the time.

One of the men was knocked unconscious and they were assisted by residents of Clifton, who also contacted the police.

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Police responded and took the men, all of whom were injured, to the Union Island Health Centre, where two of them were treated and discharged.

The other one, who had been knocked unconscious, was admitted.

Source say that police has taken a man into custody as part of their investigations.

Saturday’s attack is the second such crime against visitors in the southern Grenadines in just under a month.

On April 18, a cutlass wielding assailant robbed a 61-year-old British man and his 30-year-old daughter were robbed in Mayreau, triggering among residents a fresh wave of frustration with the number of crimes against visitors to the southern Grenadine island, whose economy depends on tourism and fishing.

Residents frustrated as British tourists are robbed in Mayreau

6 replies on “Attacker knocks Swiss visitor unconscious in Union Island”

  1. When there are no more tourists, who these bandits going to terrorise and rob? The police need to take a zero tolerance on all crimes especially those that are gun related. It’s time to be proactive in St Vincent and Grenadines before all is lost!

  2. On a small island like Union most of the residents will know who the culprits are, its time they spoke up unless they eventually want to live on a desert island.

    Some years ago when I was a boy Bequia had a very novel way of dealing with such people.

  3. Patrick Ferrari says:

    This is a double whammy: we are down to stoning tourists now.

    Never mind, the airport go fix this too.

  4. Agriculture destroyed and for a Country that relys on Tourism, the crazy people is doing a great job. Can we say slippery slope? How come Doctor Salt not responding to this Tourist attack?

  5. As the saying goes: “A hungry man is an angry man”. By the same token people who are insanely hungry or doped up often do not think about the consequences of their actions/inactions. The young people need work, appropriate education, and role models to help keep them out of trouble. I remember chartering a boat in Union Island to get to Mayreau one Sunday in 2011. The captain/owner had two young boys aboard as his helpers. He explained that the boys were in his care to learn the trade and keep them out of trouble.

    I am not sure that the police will be effective with this problem. They might only serve to harden the young culprits and aggravate the problem. Let the entire community deal with them. After all, Union Island is a small place where everyone knows each other.

    Another thing: How are we doing with our Public Service Announcements tailored at tourism education?

  6. As bad as the SVG police are, the police can’t be everywhere, nor can they just run out and arrest someone. To get to the heart of crime we have to adopt a better economic policy. The government has to actually enact measures that create jobs instead of just talking about it. If the government actually did create an environment where the private sector could create jobs, many of these desperate people would be occupied by working rather than robbing.

    Constantly spending, borrowing and raising taxes is how to destroy jobs, not create them!

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