St Vincent and the Grenadines will take its first step in examining the social, economic, health and legal implications surrounding the use of marijuana with three sets of workshops and a national consultation.
These consultations will run concurrently on Wednesday.
Concurrent consultation will be held with faith-based organizations, interest groups and the youth at the Administrative Complex at 9 a.m.
A national town hall meeting takes place at 7 p.m. at the Methodist Church Hall in Kingstown.
These sessions are being hosted by CARICOM, which has established a regional commission on marijuana and are expected to engage all segments of society including the youth, religious bodies, interest groups and the general population.
It is expected that consensus from these national consultations will inform CARICOM’s policy on the use of the drug and its implications.
No matter what is decided, if ever, one side will end up dissatisfied. One side says ganja is very bad, the other side says it is very good. Alcohol has been accepted into society for around thousands of years and has more down-sides than ganja, problem is that if ganja is legalized it will be too easy to acquire without the government being able to tax; thus it has not been legalized.
Will quality testing be undertaken on this visit?