The views expressed herein are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the opinions or editorial position of iWitness News. Opinion pieces can be submitted to [email protected].
How exciting! I gained all my CXC passes and was well eager to begin my studies at the SVGCC Division of Technical and Vocational Education. I come from a poor family. However, my economic status never altered my drive to pursue my studies in accounting, which the aim of becoming a forensic auditor. With much excitement, my mom, a single mother of three and a hard working Vincentian, has been busily working extra hours and baking extra treats to make sure that I have everything necessary to begin my studies at the Technical Division.
My past secondary teachers always encouraged me to stay focused and that I did. Despite receiving acceptance late, I knew for certain what I wanted to do. Last week, I attended orientation and a few things became quite apparent to me. Having paid fees at the Villa Campus, I was able to observe the newly built structure, which is commendable as the student numbers continue to grow each year. However, it seems as though the DTVE has been forgotten with regards to infrastructural development.
During orientation, I became acquainted with my programme coordinator and other members of staff. A friend of mine who also pursued the same Associates Degree in accounting did say that “technical is not a bed of roses and it is what you make of it. However, the teachers are what keep us going; nothing else is there to support our growth.” So I was quite happy to meet my programme coordinator, whose spirit and personality, personal and academic achievements, made me even more excited to be a part of the programme. She seemed to be a very serious lecturer. Now that’s just the thing that is all I can be excited about.
When asked where I can study outside of class or a student area, we were directed to a very small, insufficient library. When asked where do we eat, A dim room with four picnic tables was shown to accommodate the entire division. I asked the second year students who were giving the campus tour and they said yes. It was quite hot when the tour of the campus was being conducted and one student asked where could I get some water and is there is a fountain. To my dismay, the answer was “No.” The students conducting the tour said that they usually walk with their own water since there is none. I began to ponder whether or not administration or whoever is responsible for the students’ welfare realised that we are human beings. My mother has worked hard to pay the stipulated fees and I am a student who will adhere to all rules and uniform regulations yet you have not one area for students to socialise, have water, much more, eat. The conditions of the classrooms are fair but it is quite clear that some sort of cooling system is needed.
My programme coordinator and other classmates were sweating profusely. She joked during our orientation session that she would have to walk with her fan from home to deal with the overheated classroom
I am very disappointed and confused as to why something better has not been done for students at DTVE. I know my worth and my capabilities as a student and I am sorry to say SVGCC you seem not to be ready with your facilities at DTVE. Teachers should not have to make it work. We are paying you, SVGCC. You need to make it work. IT IS NOT A GOOD LOOK. Get your act together!
Concerned student
The opinions presented in this content belong to the author and may not necessarily reflect the perspectives or editorial stance of iWitness News. Opinion pieces can be submitted to [email protected].
1. We are a poor, hungry country, so be happy that you have this facility at all.
2. As in countries all over the world, the bulk of the education budget goes to teacher and administrator wages and benefits, including a lovely pension plan. If anything is left over, it goes to the students.
3. Most of the government budget in nearly all ministries goes to salaries of employees as well. A better example than the technical college is the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital.
4. Anything left over goes to feed the airport monster at Argyle.
5. Hopefully, if fulfill your dream to become a forensic auditor, you will tell us how we have bad-spent our loans, grants, and tax receipts and which persons have benefited from this.
Concerned Student, SVG has come a long way since I graduated from the EHS-Mespo in 1970. Suffice it to say that in those days we adhered to what Jimmy Cliff sang: “Use what you got to get what you need”.
When I entered the College of the Virgin Islands in 1972, comfort was not even on my radar. It was: Go to classes from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm; go to work from 6:00 pm to 2:00 am (sometimes 6:00 pm to 6:00 am if I was lucky to get the overtime – regular pay was $1.80 per hour – a far cry from the $160.00/month I made as a teacher in St. Vincent); contribute $20.00 per week to the household; pay my tuition and fees on installments; while thanking God all the way for the opportunity to earn a tertiary education.
So STOP the NONSENSICAL BAWLING! Settle down to your studies, make the best of your opportunities, and keep your mind open for the application of your knowledge towards the solution of the overwhelming problems that our nation faces.
I acknowledge the socio-economic-political problems in SVG. I acknowledge that you live in a society where people exercise enormous cravings for sympathy, financial aid (begging), pampering from politicians, and dependency on others for their livelihood. But I cannot tolerate wimpy complaints about non-essential things. MAKE DO WITH WHAT YOU HAVE UNTIL YOU CAN DO BETTER.
Vinci Vin
Amen, my comrade, Amen. In SVG as elsewhere, there is a dangerous culture of entitlement, encouraged in our land where Big Brother says he is the big provider.
Wonder if this student had air conditioning in secondary school or at home.
You must remember the government is bankrupt and unless they get somethingby way of a handout from the EU or the British they most certainly will not get it from Cuba, Venezuela or ALBA.
So my friend my advice to you is this “do not take a bar of chocolate to class with you”. Or like your tutors it will melt.
Welcome to a government that is all propaganda, and when it comes to backing up the talk with deeds…..