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Some readers of our stories, judging by their reactions, felt that they knew better than us, what is or isn’t “news”. But we see the numbers and know what people are interested in. And, below, in random order, are the 10 most-read stories on the iWitness News website last year. See if you can figure out what were the top three. The first person to get it correct gets an “iWN Fan” polo shirt. You have until noon Eastern Caribbean time, tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2017. You are competing against respondents on our website, Facebook, and Twitter. Happy New Year! and Happy Reading and viewing (of our videos) in 2017! (Note: The list was randomised using software)

  • Masked gunmen kill German man on yacht in St. Vincent
  • Pastor says pouring hot water on man was ‘spiritual warfare’
  • Man shot dead, another injured during burglary
  • Man shot and killed in Kingstown
  • Depositors close accounts after RBTT announces $25 monthly charge
  • Vermont man reportedly held woman captive for months
  • Four dead in suspected serial killing in St. Vincent
  • Pastor and family charged (+Video)
  • Mother cites disobedience in storm victim’s death (+Video)
  • Police officer killed at school fair

6 replies on “So, you know what is news?”

  1. Interesting. Let me try this, I can do with a polo shirt.

    1.Pastor says pouring hot water on man was “spiritual warfare”.

    2.Four dead in suspected serial killing in St Vincent.

    3.Vermont man reportedly held woman captive for months.

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