Chairman of the main opposition New Democratic Party (NDP), Daniel Cummings, the Parliamentary Representative for West Kingstown has attended the first Caribbean Sustainable Development Forum (CSDF) in Aruba.
The Feb. 21-23 regional forum brought together representatives from the World Bank, the Organisation of American States, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme, and, among others, the European Union Commission on Environment and Aid.
Cummings, a former president of the Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA), and lifetime trustee of the association, was invited to the regional forum where he chaired the working group on regional cooperation with technological innovations on water management and waste management, access to affordable drinking water and clean coasts and oceans.
The NDP said in a release that Cummings is “a widely-respected voice in the water resource management sector”, also represented the president of the Association at the three-day meeting.
CWWA is an oorganisation of water wastewater and solid waste professionals. Cummings was slated to return to St. Vincent on Sunday.
The first CSDF focused on mitigation and adaptation on climate change.
It is also worth mentioning that Cummings most certainly paid out of pocket to attend. If he were in the ULP it is paid for by the Vincentian Taxpayer but not when an opposition member travels and attends conferences. I should also add that there is one ULP person in the government that goes all over the world in first-class; compliments of the Vincentian Taxpayers.