A Vincentian man has become the second homicide victim in Antigua and Barbuda for 2018.
The lifeless body of a 51-year-old farmer Carlos Ollivierre was discovered in his vending stall early Thursday evening.
Ollivierre is a former resident of La Croix in St. Vincent.
When he failed to return home, family members visited the Jonas Road farm where his body was found lying face down in a pool of blood.
Police say that the body had multiple wounds to the upper back and forearm.
Detectives have theorised that Ollivierre was attacked from behind and after coming face-to-face with the attacker(s), may have used his hands to attempt to prevent further injuries to the body.
The deceased had reportedly shelved his carpentry tools for farming. He grew and harvested coconuts and sold peeled sugarcane, coconuts and bananas to residents and tourists travelling daily on the All Saints public road.
While he was at that location, thieves had been reportedly plundering his produce, leaving him with little returns.
Ollivierre found it more convenient and rewarding operating from his farm alongside the busy All Saints public road.
Taxi operators often stopped for visitors to refresh themselves or sample the produce.
Ollivierre resided in Antigua for some 26 years and was the husband of Jessica Ollivierre for 24 years.
He fathered two adult children and has left a brother and nephew who are serving members in the Antigua and Barbuda Fire Service.
No arrests have been made and police are continuing their investigation.
Rest in peace.
I live in Antigua and I know this Gentleman very well truly a Hard working fellow omg! Can’t believe it so sad then again I am not surprised, another Vincentian was killed a few years ago by selling Barbecue at nights killed senselessly case still is unsolved, Joey Medica Brother. I would do every in my power to solve this case it is some serial thief who did this when caught stealing the man’s produce not the first time apparently they were Jealous of the Individual because of the lease Government piece of land which their are hundreds of plots on the main road he was working on. I have been told that the previous owner who died gave him the Authority to use the land. I witness please follow up on this case. A foreigner being killed here…..needs all the attention that it deserves. RIP Ollivierre. I am so upset over this and ovet 178 people read this and not even a comment that in itself is so sad I have been observing thats the trend these days, but this is someone Son, Brother, a Father, a Husband and a friend and he seems not too important anymore. I had to comment because this newspaper stated correctly the exact things of the deceased. I know his family is grieving and he is killed one day after the Election very fishy in itself, story and hypeothical for another day.
You see they were hoping that another party win the election and the lease to deceased be taken away or compulsory acquired, but when they realize that the ruling party stays in power and that there would be no likelihood of that, because that’s not how this party works. They help everyone and would not take away this gentleman daily bread and way of life. A lot of these cases goes unsolved here over the years but God is watching and he will somehow one day bring peace to those victims who have been wronged. So sad feeling for this Gentleman’s family, a martial artist and a great individual, so many of us who never were friends with the deceased feels the pain his family is going through. so so sad. May his soul rest in peace!