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Vincentians are into the second week of paying higher prices for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), the main fuel used in the preparation of meals.

The price of a 20lb cylinder of the fuel has increased by EC$2.63 in each of the four areas, while the price of a 25lb cylinder of LPG has increased by EC$3.28 across districts.

Meanwhile, a 100lb cylinder has risen by EC$13.15 across all zones.

Area I: means areas within a radius of two miles of the courthouse, Kingstown (approximately Kingstown to Arnos Vale/Villa area on the windward side and Kingstown to Lowmans Hill on the Leeward side)

Area II: means areas adjoining Area I extending from Area I north-east to Langley Park and north-west to Keartons including all areas lying between Langley Park and Keartons;

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Area III: means all areas on the mainland, other than those falling within Area I and II

Area IV: Grenadines.

See the approved prices below.

Maximum retail prices for LPG Cylinders as of April 16, 2018
LPG Area 1 Area II Area III Area IV
100 lb $180.77 $180.77 $180.77 $201.77
25 lb $45.19 $46.19 $47.19 $50.19
20 lb $37.15 $38.15 $39.15 $42.15


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