Police are continuing their investigation of two reports of attempted abduction, allegedly involving a vehicle in eastern St. Vincent.
Assistant Commissioner of Police Richard Browne did not offer many details when asked at a press conference on Thursday.
“Just to say that matter is still under investigation. We have had some leads that we are working on. That’s as much as I can say because of the sensitive nature of the matter. We have had some leads and we are working on them,” Browne said.
He said that the allegation, according to the reports reaching police, is attempted abduction.
“There is the case of the two young ladies and there’s one other case of a teacher; one at San Souci and the other one in the Mt Young area,” Browne said, but did not elaborate.
Reports are that the occupant(s) or an orange car attempted to abduct two students and a teacher in two separate incidents in the area.
The government aid and abeit criminality in St . There are some vehicles that are highly tinted to the extent you cannot make out the occpants. There is a white car that I saw when I was driving though the Dauphine is a good example. Tinted car are often used to cover up crimes. This is what the government and opposition should be focus on safety of its people.
A good way to start is by outlawing the practice of tinting cars which act as a catalyst for covering up crimes.