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The deceased, Arianna Taylor-Israel, left, and her husband, Mitch Israel, who has been charged with murder in connection with her death.
The deceased, Arianna Taylor-Israel, left, and her husband, Mitch Israel, who has been charged with murder in connection with her death.

The 57-year-old Lower Questelles man who is suspected to have shot and killed his wife outside their son’s school on Thursday has been charged with murder.

Police, on Saturday, charged Mitch Israel, with the murder of his wife, Arianna Taylor-Israel, who is said to be in her 40s.

Taylor-Israel, a Cuba-born nurse who has been living and working in St. Vincent and the Grenadines since 2001, was gunned down outside St. Martin’s Secondary School about 3:30 p.m. Thursday.

The couple’s elder son is a student at the school, located in Kingstown Park.

Taylor-Israel died at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital — where she worked –about an hour after the shooting.

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iWitness News understands that police charged Israel Saturday afternoon after recovering the licensed revolver he is alleged to have emptied on his wife on the day she served him with a writ of divorce.

Israel is said to have left the scene after the shooting and police arrested him in his vehicle in Lower Questelles, where he and his wife lived with their sons.

Taylor-Israel’s death has raised questions about police handling of domestic violence cases and threats to kill.

iWitness News was reliably informed that Taylor-Israel made three visits to the Questelles Police Station in the last five days of her life in connection with her husband’s alleged threat to kill her.

She is said to have made multiple reports to police dating back years.

The killing has also raised questions about the process through which some persons are given firearms and why they are allowed to keep their weapons in light of certain information in the public sphere.

Read also: Police had warrant for alleged killer’s arrest

17 replies on “Israel charged with wife’s murder”

  1. Those who should get firearm a don’t get any. It seems as if one of the requirements is to be affiliated with the ULP.This guy is a coward and should pay for his crime , regardless to what may be the reason. There is no justification for such a heinous act.

  2. Our Police Men
    Wow Great Job
    A Woman is bein Threaten By Her Husband on Numerous Occasions n U All Did Nothing
    The COP Should Transfer All Of You

  3. This is the saint Vincent that you all is resting as the top country in e west indies. So much killing and violence that it makes one scared to ho back there. I see mysrlf wanting to plan my retirement there. but afraid of the outcome in later years.

      1. Hahahahaha. I’m Jamaican and was married still a Vincentian who studied here. Believe me when I tell you, Vincy is paradise compared to here. You killed me when you said “stay weh u deh” tho

  4. Is there a restraining order law in SVG, if not why not? This would allow the person who is abused or threatened to place one against anyone who threatens their safety. The person/s could be removed from the home and have any weapon/s seized.

  5. Some Law abiding Tax Payers who meet the requirements for a firearm would not get it but some criminals and unscrupulous individuals who support certain people will. Lol watch a country and ministry of national security.

    1. Please stop the Killing Against woman in my country our mother our grandmother our sister our cousin our nieces Aunties stop the violence against women please help stop this at once

  6. Not sure if it exists on our books, I doubt it; but we need specialize domestic abuse legislation. Because of the sheer inertia of our politicians to tackle this issue through specific legislation; our women have paid the price with their lives.

    Lock him up and throw away the key.

    Dr Friday, are you listening to the cry of the people?

  7. Most vincentian men don’t know how to treat women. Why? It’s not just spiritual deficiency because many men who claim to know Christ also treat their spouses terribly, including abuse physically. We need to teach our males from childhood to respect and honour females. Yes, deliberately TEACH them to do so.

  8. I wish the media houses can stop putting their photos together. Additionally, he’s not any husband. He’s a beast so stop saying his wife or her husband. It just hurts.

  9. The Criminals among us. This is a parent went to the school of one of his sons and murder their mother. He is a cold blooded murder.
    Where in the civil service this guy worked?
    Can somebody tell me?

  10. I really think that the police fail to act in the process of duty of care to this young lady,the fact that he had a license firearm and those treats were made the officer should have temporarily suspended his firearm licenses until prove other wise,sometime decision made by police officer when it result in bad situation like this case should be reviewed and the COP put things in place to make sure it don’t happen again,Officer have some level of accountability here

  11. Anthony Martin says:

    The interesting and sad fact is that many women in our society are abused by their spouses,… and the fact that many of them have reported their abuse to the “authorities”, but received no redress. A case in point was my friend two years ago who reported her abuse to the police, only to be told that “its husband and wife affairs”. She was even told by one of the officers to “go home and give your husband wife”. When it became overbearing, she lashed out in defense and broke his nose. The interesting thing is that society joined a chorus in condemning her. Even Service Commissions suspended her from work (even while the case between the husband and her was yet before the court). When women retaliate, they are looked down upon, and even punished for their actions. How could this be fair? How could this be right? And those who are supposed to protect and serve, are turning deaf ears and slothful hands to the cries for help. It is also time for national actions (not words of promises) to address domestic violence, and violence against women and children. What about a half-way house – some place of refuge for victims of domestic abuse?

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