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The deceased, Mickiesha Gumbs. (Photo: Facebook)
The deceased, Mickiesha Gumbs. (Photo: Facebook)
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Police were, on Saturday, called to the scene at Park Hill where a former member of their ranks is alleged to have stabbed his girlfriend to death.

The dead woman has been identified as Mickiesha Gumbs — said to be in her 30s — a mother of three daughters. 

She is said to have died at the hands of the former police officer, who currently works in security.

Gumbs’ death brings the homicide count in St. Vincent and the Grenadines for 2020 to four.

She is the second woman to be killed this year, both allegedly at the hands of a former lover.

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On Jan. 30, Arianna Taylor-Israel died after being shot in Kingstown, allegedly by her husband, Mitch Israel, who has since been charged with murder in connection with her death.

The four homicides do not include the death of Zimron “Murder” Fraser, whose body was discovered in his hometown of Barrouallie earlier Saturday afternoon.

Police are said to be investigating a theory that Fraser might have committed suicide.

27 replies on “Woman killed in Park Hill”

    1. Chester peters says:

      I definitely agreed with your concern in respect of the identity of the murderer even though he has not yet been charged we know it can be published in layman’s terms that Tom Dick or Harry is assisting the police in their investigation but i would like to know the identity of this individual myself.

  1. RIP to this young lady and all the others who sadly lose their lives in this horrific way. Prayers for the children and family .
    I don’t understand why the husband is labeled an “alleged” killer if he was convicted and charged!?

      1. murder suspect or suspected murderer ……??? lol……..just saying if them ppl here cyah understand

    1. Bovell Debique says:

      Where was it said he was convicted and charged… Get your report or question right… Smmhhh

  2. Every murder is sad news; especially when it is a mother. From the photo she looks like a beautiful woman which somehow makes it even more sad.
    My theory is that most all murderers are frustrated people that either have, low income, no job or are frustrated with their station in life…and thus have a low self-esteem. Our government seems to care nothing about the self-esteem of the people. They do all the wrong things when it comes to providing an environment for job creation. Our government believes that HIGH TAXES is how to create jobs.
    MOST murders involve this frustration, not all. If I were the SVG Police, I would not only look into why this former policeman was moved to commit this act but also try to ascertain why many of the SVG Police exhibit such violent behavior.
    When I grew up and I believe it is still true that police are supposed to act as a role-model for our youth. Our Minister of National Security should ask himself if this is or should be the case with Vincentian Police, because at the moment, many police are as bad as the criminals.

    Even though the murderer is a “former” officer, the SVG Police should make some serious changes to find the root-cause of all the poor behavior of many of the force.
    The policy of beating people should end as well. It seems that the SVG Police believe that a beating is just part of the way they are supposed to treat the people they are supposed to protect.

    Both the police and other parts of the government have to get their act together!

    1. Whilst it’s part of the police job to get dangerous weapons off the streets such as illegal guns, the public has a role to play whenever they have any knowledge of such perpetrators to inform the authorities anonymously or otherwise.

      With that being said, there is good and bad in every organization and in society as a whole. I am quite sure the newsfeed stated former and not serving member.

      Most importantly, bear in mind the police nor the government cannot enter into the mind of an individual to cause them to commit a murder. Especially in the instant case like this, where it appears to be a crime of passion. It is far different from a crime where the culprit stole or burglarized a business because he was hungry.

      I will add to your point about finding out the root causes of some of these burning issues. What SVG needs and not just the police force is more counseling and outreach programs. This should start with the schools and every major private sector entity, all well as government departments should have assigned counselors to support their staff psychological needs.

      1. @ SHAWN B. you cant talk sense to people with no sense and a one tract mind ……you are wasting your precious time

  3. Master's Student says:

    This is so heartbreaking! especially today! on a day in which we are suppose to be celebrating the impact of women all over the world. Women in poor countries are truly targets and are vulnerable to these psychopathic men. We need to start training our women on how to identify and red flag abusive behaviors and how to find the courage to leave the relationship to preserve their lives. The children are going to need psychological therapy as well. This is truly sad. My heart goes out to the children…May Jesus be with them.

  4. So Beverly, would you say that if she were childless and ugly it would be OK? Not as sad?. WOW.
    No one is to blame but the person who perpetrated the crime. He needs to be brought to justice, and if convicted, pay according to the laws on the books, including hanging if that is still a legal option.

  5. This is very sad news for me from my home town the [alleged] killer is a former police officer but this has nothing to do with him [allegedly]killing his common law wife and the mother of his children this is the work of Satan it’s the Lenten season also a leap year so we as a nation we need to pray and put the hands of the Satan down when someone is been abused in this form the public would stand and watching and video taping as if it is a movie and not helping the person who is in pain we need to get things in place SVG I pray for her children and the family Rip Mickiesha

  6. That’s is so true,especially when the system fail the people ,however killing is never the way to go,every man have to take responsibility for his or her action


  8. Every time a mosquito bites or a fly lands on a piece of shit it’s the Government’s fault. Government critics look, there are thousands of decent people in SVG trying to live a decent life with or without Government ok. Try prayer, try Jesus ok. Government will not solve your problems.

  9. Rest in peace. The police fool should be put to death. He killed her because he cannot control her how he want to.

  10. Jeanie Ollivierre says:

    It is high time that Human Rights issues are TAUGHT in schools..NOT brushed by! Domestic Violence is a Human Rights issue so is Child rights &:these should be on the Curriculum @ all levels, encouraging interaction as they are presented. Parents also have to teach their boys how to speak with & treat girls as well as teach girls what NOT to accept from boys. As to the Police they need to learn about the Domestic Violence Act 2015, Its what exists but need some refining to give it more teeth. Don’t understand why Vincentian men so ANGRY that their only resort is MURDER!

  11. Nigel Mc.guire says:

    Find out the truth behind a lovers crime, it is not a robbery gone wrong. This is a blatant disrespect for another human being’s life and thus executuon should be the penalty for you and all who commits such heinous and odiusly wicked act. You and your government, you judges and lawyers should be hanged for putting murderers in prison rather than the gallow or the very method they the criminal used on their victims. You all put them in prison to eat the same poor people tax money. In prison it is you alk who grow up to continue feeding them in prison so stop complaining about the government when people refuse God and choose blood shed and disrespecting another human being’s life. May the same measure be granted to all such murders especially those deliberate ones that roams the land free and undetected until blood shed be wiped away from the land of SVG. You all are bloody and wicked.

  12. These young ladies need to be more responsible and stop getting into relationships and shacking up with these men who have no goal and ambition. Please ladies look for Christian men and live a godly life.

  13. St Vincent is a sad place where crimes against women are commonplace. We need to come out of the caveman mentality with this and many other things!

  14. Debz Strauss says:

    Rise up ladies…march/protest do something for Mickiesha and for all of u who have been abused /hurt by your man..That monster deserves your wrath…Lighting a candle for u sweet angel for your girls now.sooo senseless..Soldiers unite..PROTECT each other…next time it could be u or your daughter !

  15. Saint vincent need to bring back the gallows. Hang their wicked minded asses. He thinks he is god and it is child to do what he want to do. I heard he used to beat her. That is the problem in:saint vincent. Beating women its their strength. They need their two hands cut off and leave them where they can even wipe their backside. Bring back they hang man for these wicked souls. I also heard she is a Mespo young lady. What is she doing in parkhill.

  16. While many of us wish that these cruel men be convicted and sentenced to death, the Death Penalty is SVG is highly unlikely. If I can remember well, the last time hanging took place in SVG was in 1993 where 3 inmates were hung at the same time. Since then a lot has changed. The world is changing fast. Human Rights are challenging all the laws on the books thus creating a loop hole for such men to slip away from the gallows.

  17. Most of the times you hear of Human Rights is when criminals are sentenced to death. When it’s time for the law to kill them, all of a sudden come Human Rights. Where were Human Rights when criminals are killing people’s children? Where are Human Rights in all these senseless killings of our women and children? Human Rights wake up! Defend all Humans not only criminals.

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