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AstraZeneca vaccine

The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment says it is aware that as a precautionary measure, a few countries in Europe have suspended use of a specific batch of AstraZeneca vaccine distributed in the EU.

This is based on reports of “rare blood coagulation disorders” in persons who had received vaccines from a particular batch, the ministry said in a statement on Friday.

The ministry said that the World Health Organization notes that this decision is but a precaution, whilst a full investigation is finalised.

“WHO is emphasizing that the vaccine’s benefits continue to outweigh its risks, and can continue to be administered while these investigations are ongoing,” the ministry said.

It added that WHO’s Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) systematically reviews any vaccine safety signals and concerns related to COVID-19 vaccine safety, and meets every two weeks to advise WHO on any new safety signals or concerns related to COVID-19 vaccines.

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“The GACVS is carefully assessing the current reports on the Astra Zeneca vaccine. The WHO says as soon as it has gained a full understanding of these events, the findings and any changes to current recommendations will be immediately communicated to the public.

“Vaccination against COVID-19 will not reduce deaths from other causes. Deaths from other causes will continue to occur, including after vaccination, but causally unrelated,” the ministry said.

The statement continued:

“So far, over 268 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered since the start of the pandemic, based on data reported to WHO by national governments. No cases of death have been found to have been caused by COVID-19 vaccines to date. This is also true here in St Vincent and the Grenadines and in neighbouring countries Barbados, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Antigua and Barbuda and St Kitts and Nevis where no adverse reactions and or deaths related to administering of the Astra Zeneca vaccine, have been recorded.

“The Ministry wishes to advise that the vaccine continues to be safe and does what it purports to that is, reduce the severity of illness from COVID-19 and reduce the likelihood of hospitalization and possible deaths.

“The Ministry of Health will continue to be guided by any and all findings and changes if any, in respect of administering the Astra Zeneca vaccine.”

6 replies on “SVG comments on suspension of C-19 jab in Europe”

  1. Excuses by the government just do not hold water. I wonder if the bad batch in Austria was the same bad batch in Ireland and the same bad batch in South Korea, etc…
    If only 1% of those that get the “western” vaccines either die or go blind or some other problem, how does that compare with the 1% of 1% that die from the virus itself…and those are all elderly or people with pre-existing conditions?
    Somehow that does not seem to be compelling evidence for a young (under60) and healthy person to get vaccinated!

    Let us not mention the fact that once you get vaccinated YOU BECOME CONTAGIOUS! How does becoming contagious “slow the spread”??? Isn’t it the other way around?

    Seems the “Globalist Governments” (now SVG is one of them) think we are all STUPID!…Most Vincentians are not!

  2. Countries all over are suspending the use of AstraZeneka, for safety reasons. Today Holland suspended it because of all the side-effects from other countries; mainly Norway and Denmark. There have also been deaths from this vaccine, such as South Korea and Austria. Maybe they all got the same “bad batch”. It appears the SVG Government have a different attitude toward people safety. Some of them have taken the Sputnik-V, that has not had any reports of any problems.
    Why do our government elites get that vaccine and we the people get the controversial vaccine?

  3. Nobody gets sick because of a lack of a laboratory chemical substance in our system. God made man from the dust of the earth that contains the nutrients that maintain health and recover health.
    There are enough teachings on how to keep our whole body, mind and spirit healthy.

  4. Duke your information is not correct. Or you misread your sources. I’m not here to tell anyone to take or not to take the vaccine. I think it very wicked to circulate misinformation to your people. There are a number of reliable sources on line that people can fine true and reliable information on vaccination related deaths. One such site is. I did not put WHO site because a lot of people mistrust WHO.

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