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The blue car in which the body of Lenny Lewis was found in Diamond on Thursday, May 19, 2022. (Lenny Lewis photo courtesy ANN)
The blue car in which the body of Lenny Lewis was found in Diamond on Thursday, May 19, 2022. (Lenny Lewis photo courtesy ANN)
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Residents of Diamond are hoping that an autopsy would help to unravel the mystery of the death of a 7-year-old boy whose decomposing body was found in a car in the village on Thursday.

The boy’s mother, Anella Lewis, 33, of Diamond, told iWitness News that he is Lenny Lewis, a Grade 1 student at the Stubbs Government School.

Lewis last saw her son alive on Monday, but multiple villagers told iWitness News that they saw him and an older brother, who is not much his senior, about the village on Tuesday.

The body was in the front seat of a damaged car that is awaiting repairs at a roadside garage along the road to the Diamond Landfill.

The owner of the car, said to be a police officer, sent someone to check on the progress of the repairs on the vehicle, which has been at the garage for weeks.

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The person reportedly noticed some marks on one of the panes of glass in the heavily tinted vehicle and looked inside and saw the decomposing body.

Lewis told iWitness News at the scene that Lennie is the penultimate of her nine children, the youngest of whom is a few months old. 

She said that she had not seen her son since Monday and was hoping that he would come home by Thursday evening, failing which she would have gone to the police.

Lewis said she had gone to her cousin’s to see if Lennie was there.

“He would be all over the place. People would give him things,” she said, speaking in the Vincentian vernacular.

Lewis said that sometimes her son “sleep by me and he does sleep up ah top house up ah me house”.

She said he also sleeps at his friends’ and “down ah bayside”.

Lewis said Lennie did not go to school on Monday and she was looking for him to send him to school on Tuesday but did not find him.

She said she was worried about him but afraid to go to the police “because the boy ‘custom come home”.

Lewis said she had decided that if he had not come home by Thursday evening she would have filed a report with the police.

She said that sometimes Lennie would come home in the morning or by 7 or 8 p.m.

She said she was in Kingstown on Thursday organising her “daughter at the Family Court” along with her cousin with whom the daughter lives.

When Lewis returned to Diamond, another cousin called her and told her that a dead boy was found in a car.

“I tek off me shoes and run come down to see what really going on. When me come, is me son.

“I don’t feel good about it,” she said, adding that a villager had told her that she had seen Lennie on Monday with a bowl of fish and she told him to go home but he didn’t.

“First time days, me used to beat him fuh he stop sleep out,” Lewis told iWitness News, adding that she used to beat her son each morning he returned home after sleeping out.

She said she could not say where her son would sleep. “Sometime, he sleep by he friend them.”

Meanwhile, some villagers told iWitness News that Lennie and his siblings would be about the village all the time.

One villager said that Lennie would sleep either under or in cars in the area.

They said that he would go to various houses and ask for food and villagers would willingly give.

Villagers have speculated that Lennie might have fallen sick after eating raw robin fish that he had on Tuesday, despite warning and attempts to prevent him from doing so.

Other villagers speculate that Lennie might have been unable to exit the car and might have suffered a heat stroke.

One source told iWitness News that all of the doors of the car were locked but the trunk was open.

Villagers expressed hope that his death was not the result of foul play.

Lennie is the second minor to have been found dead in St. Vincent in exactly one week.

Last week Thursday, May 12, the decomposing body of a female, identified four days later as that of Precious Williams, 17, of Sion Hill, was found in a bag in Richmond Hill.

A post mortem concluded that she died of multiple injuries inflicted with a sharp object.

21 replies on “Boy found dead in Diamond was last seen alive on Tuesday”

  1. That’s what happened when children have children, who cannot look after themselves, how in god’s name you can have a seven year child and let him loose like a wild animal, the parent should of been booked for child cruelty, but at least he is now in better place may his soul Rest In Peace

  2. Your 7 yrs u talking bout report by Thursday lady and why does a 7 yr ld have to sleep so many places?

  3. the mother is not fit all those children and this child sleeping where ever eating what ever is real sad the mother should be brought up for child neglect

  4. nancysauldemers says:

    This is tragic on so many levels. So many types of intervention could have taken place to avoid this outcome. It takes a village and clearly this village was aware of issues. The entire village, including the employees at Stubbs Government School, need to give this tragedy, and what should have been done to prevent it, some serious thought. May he now rest in peace.

  5. StVincent ears says:

    The rest of her children need to be adapted by God fearing foster parent’s . My God. His mother spoke of his behaviour like he was an adult. Shame on her and the father. I assumed he was not active in that child life. Both of them should be in jail.
    How can children be suffering like that in a community full of people?. He needed help and no one helped. Now he is dead. This story is so, so sad.

  6. They need to take her children away if possible she is not fit to have them, her tubes should be tied.

  7. Unfortunately most of these comments above indicated how clueless Vincentians are to the plight of many children and families across SVG. While the nation is busy worshipping at the altar of politics, these realities are being and have been lived by so many for many years. These incidents are just manifestations of the seeds that have been planted, watered and cared for. What’s the solution. Prayer! Then action to restore the nation to God

  8. Mrs baptist says:

    Well said to d first comment when my kids go school an I see 4pm.i start worrying about dem much more than stay out for days she didn’t care about him she should be arrested it’s so sad when we bring kids in to the world an don’t pay attention to than god rest his soul

  9. I feel that more should be done about men who is getting girls/ young women pregnant and not standing up to their responsibilities the law should make a it a must that these men should pay maintenance for their children . I feel sorry for this boy’s mother at 33yrs old with 9 children and I bet they don’t share the same fathers because she meets a man who maybe promise to help her instead her gets her pregnant then he is off leaving her in a worse position financially and it just goes down hill for her and her children and like in this case the children suffers the most. May his Soul rest in peace.

  10. Sandra Small says:

    Thst mother is 33 and hasb.9 children. She indeed knows how to breed. Does she know of something camed contraceptives? No wonder why the crime rate is spiraling out of proportion.

  11. Everyone talking about the mother this ann that as if she had the children with her finger. What about, where is the father ir fathers? I am almost certain the father is much older than her. Too often grown men will sleep with young girls who just doing what she can to get by, get her pregnant then leave her to go with another to provide for her child and the cycle continues. Nasy men who can’t assist a sister without wanting to know the color draws she has on.

  12. Nicholas Cyrus says:

    The. Real crime is that in SVG a family of nine still lives on about $15 a day 90% of the people in st.Vincent lives in poverty while most Government officials are doing well there needs to be an uprising of the. People fighting for a living wage and a better health care and that fight needs to be united both ulp supporter ang NDP a united front

  13. Well, the royal cops should be able to find the cause of this child’s death but knowing their reputation for half done wok they might not and den it’s case closed. Hands day pan this country.

  14. Let us don’t be quick to judge
    Please read the mother language , it sound like a person with some type off disability. She should have never been allowed to have 9 children and it seems like child protective services was not following this woman. The father or father’s need to be held accountable, let’s not just pass judgment on one because she didn’t make the child by herself

  15. ok I wonder if she was raped by these men who got her pregnant. so she made the same error nine times wow

  16. Armena Samuel says:

    It’s very sad to hear about the death of the young boy. As a parent , we have to be aware of what goes on and also the whereabouts of our children and grandchildren at all times.I remember growing up and going out to party with my friends my mother would stay up until the wee hours waiting for us to come home before she could go to bed. Having 9 children at that age is a great task for a single parent to undertake. Father’s needs to be more involved in their children lives. Children shouldn’t have to suffer, it’s the parents responsibility to take care of them. I hope that the mother gets some help with those other children and the Social Welfare intervene. Let us not pass judgment on the mother put pray for her that she get some help. May God be with her and her family and may the soul of her son R.I.P

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