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Esteban Richard-Hernández III.
Esteban Richard-Hernández III.
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Less than two weeks after the resignation of its president, the Young Democrats, the youth arm of the opposition new Democratic Party (NDP), has a new leader.

Opposition Leader Godwin Friday announced on radio, on Monday, that Esteban Richard-Hernández III, the vice-president of the Young Democrats has been appointed to lead the group.

The opposition leader said he met with the Young Democrats on Friday, adding that the party will make a formal statement about the new leadership of the group.

“He will be the president now that the previous president has resigned and the entire executive have committed themselves to continuing to work and be a part of building the New Democratic Party, especially as it relates to reaching out to young people and serving the young people of this country,” the opposition leader said.

“This is something that we are very much committed to and I gave the executive members that assurance and we will continue to do so.”

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Vakeesha John, who was elected unopposed as president of the Young Democrats resigned on May 29, after just six months in the post.

Since then, she has taken to social media and radio presenting the party’s chief spokesperson, Lavern King, and central executive member, Clemroy “Bert” Francois, as the main reasons for quitting.

Friday, King, Francois as well as NDP Chairman Daniel Cummings have not commented on John’s public statements.

One reply on “Young Dems gets new president”

  1. Urlan Alexander says:

    Rightly so. No comment to add to to the outrageous rantings of the past president. Some people beleive that a degree is a license to be rude and cantankerous. I admire the leadership of the NDP for not telling the world their side of stoey as it relates tl that young lady’s tongue.

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