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heat warning

The Ministry of Health has issued an advisory for St. Vincent and the Grenadines as even warmer temperatures are forecast this weekend and throughout the hurricane season, which ends Nov. 30.

In a statement on Thursday, the ministry noted that the United Nation said that Earth had just experienced the hottest three months ever recorded. 

“As unusual weather conditions associated with climate change can affect our health, it is important for us to take precautionary measures to protect ourselves and our families,” the ministry said.

The Ministry of Health is advising people to stay hydrated.

“The more we sweat the more water our bodies will need. Drinking water, coconut water and unsweetened beverages before you get thirsty can keep you ahead of the ‘low energy’ feelings caused by dehydration.”

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The ministry is also urging the public to avoid sweetened and sugary drinks such as beers and sodas, which can cause dehydration.

People should also opt for light-coloured, loose-fitting clothing, preferably cotton, if their dress code permits. 

“Dark, synthetic clothing can absorb heat and make it harder for the body to stay cool.”

The ministry is also urging people to keep doors and windows open where possible as this would allow cooling breeze to flow in and hot air to rise out.

“Reduce outdoor physical activity, including exercising during the hottest periods of the day. Plan your outdoor activities for the cooler time like early morning and late afternoon hours if possible.

“If you must go outside, walk in the shade, use broad brimmed hats or umbrellas and apply sunscreen with sun protection factor (SPF)of 50 or more,” the ministry said. 

The ministry said it would continue to monitor the situation closely and update the public accordingly.

Meanwhile, in its 72-hour outlook issued Thursday morning, the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Meteorological Services said the presence of Hurricane Lee, which is forecast to move north of the Leeward Islands, will influence the weather pattern across SVG into the weekend. 

“Winds are forecast to be mostly gentle, and consequently the days will be humid, exacerbating the heat,” the outlook said.

“The atmosphere will be initially dry, limiting shower activity today (Thursday) and early Friday, but as Friday progresses into Saturday, the chance of showers and isolated thunderstorms are likely, especially over the northern portion of the mainland,” the Met Services said. 

“Gentle to moderate winds will blow from the east north east to east (ENE-E) at 10km/h25km/h, becoming southerly by Friday. Seas will be smooth to moderate in open waters (0.5m-1.5m). There will be no significant haze intrusion within this forecast period.”

One reply on “Gov’t issues health warning as even warmer temperatures predicted ”

  1. The government should give the people who will like to buy an Conditioner a tax break. Climate change is upon us and a fan isn’t enough to keep people cool it will blow hot air.

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