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Milton Cato Memorial Hospital on March 21, 2024.
Milton Cato Memorial Hospital on March 21, 2024.
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The Ministry of Health today (Wednesday) announced restrictions to the visiting hours at the Male Surgical Ward of the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (MCMH), where a patient was shot on Tuesday night.

The ministry said that visiting houses will be restricted to 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. only effective immediately until further notice.

The 11 a.m. to 12 noon visiting period has been suspended, the ministry said.

It further announced that each patient on the Male Surgical Ward at MCMH will only be allowed one bedside visitor during the visiting period.

“The name of this single visitor will be provided by each patient and must be on a list which will be kept at the security booth at the Kingstown District Clinic entrance to the MCMH,” the ministry said.

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“The listed visitor must present some form of picture identification to the security officer at the entrance to the MCMH. Once the visitor has been confirmed as being on the list a ‘pass’ will be issued by the security officer at the gate.  This pass and the picture ID must be presented to the security officer at the door of the Male Surgical Ward before entry.”

The ministry said it is requesting the full cooperation of the public “as we work to ensure the health and wellbeing of the staff and patients at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital”.

Meanwhile, a man who is suspected of shooting a patient at the hospital Tuesday night had to undergo surgery to the scrotum in connection with a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

iWitness News was reliably informed that doctors had to reinsert one of the man’s testes into his scrotum after a firearm he is alleged to have used in the attack went off, shooting him in the groin.

Police confirmed in a statement on Wednesday that the man suffered “self-inflicted injuries during an attempt to flee the scene” but did not give details of the injuries.

However, a well-placed source told iWitness News that the injury was to the man’s genitals.

The shooting at MCMH occurred around 11:25 p.m. on Tuesday and involved a male patient, police said.

However, iWitness News was reliably informed that the assailant attempted to kill Connell Jack, 26, of Ottley Hall, who was warded at the Male Surgical Ward of the hospital after being shot twice in the abdomen in Ottley Hall, his home community, around 9 p.m. Sunday.

2 replies on “Access to hospital ward restricted after shooting Tuesday night”

  1. As Jesus Christ said, those who take the sword will perish by the sword. Matthew 26:52. Did the assailant create life? What right does he have to take another person’s life? While not rejoicing over his self-inflicted injury, he got what he deserved. Too many crimes involving shooting with some fatalities have been happening in Ottley Hall over the years.
    Can some social group conduct meetings with Ottley Hall residents, urging them to settle disputes peaceably? Like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, can members of the group meet face to face with disruptive individuals, reason with them, and urge them to deal with disputes in a calm manner, thus avoiding crimes? While the crime problem may not be completely solved, the group efforts may help to lessen the incidents of crimes in Ottley Hall.

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