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Jomo Sanga Thomas is a lawyer, journalist, social commentator and a former Speaker of the House of Assembly in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. (iWN file photo)
Jomo Sanga Thomas is a lawyer, journalist, social commentator and a former Speaker of the House of Assembly in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. (iWN file photo)
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By *Jomo Sanga Thomas

(“Plain Talk” Dec. 6, 2024)

The announcement by Health Minister Jimmy Prince that over 4,000 Vincentians died between 2021 and September 2024 should come as no surprise to anyone living here. The big surprise, however, is the government’s dreadful attempt to convince this nation that these numbers are part of a regular trend.

Heart attack is the leading cause of death in St. Vincent and the Grenadines since the COVID-19 plandemic, Minister of Health Jimmy Prince has told Parliament. Prince sought to assure the nation that “that has been the case all along”. Amazingly, Prince did not offer any comparable numbers from previous years to support his contention.

Prince disclosed that in 2021, the leading cause of death, ischemic heart disease (heart attack) — was 171 deaths; in 2022, the leading cause of death, ischemic heart disease — 134 deaths; in 2023, ischemic heart disease — 159 deaths, and up to Sept. 30, 2024, the same ischemic heart disease, 117 deaths. 

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The health minister explained that the deaths for 2021 to 2023 and up to September 2024 were 1,082, 1,059, 1,121, and 852. 

The government’s numbers are suspect and should not be believed without verification. For three years, the statistical unit was directed to treat deaths as a state secret. As recently as April 2024, Plain Talk’s request for live births and deaths from 2018 to the present was denied.

Prince was responding to a question from Central Kingstown MP St. Clair Leacock who wanted to know whether there was a correlation between the rollout of the dreadful vaccine mandate by the government in November 2021 and the increase in heart attacks. 

Soon after the vaccines became available, doctors worldwide highlighted a connection between the vaccines and the increased incidents of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (swelling and irritation of the tissue surrounding the heart).
The medical establishment frowned on this disclosure. Many of these doctors (Robert Malone, Peter Mc Collough, Shantara Chetty, Geert Vanden Bossche, Pierre Kory) were blacklisted and ostracised. Many lost their jobs. 

Prince disclosed that the government had not done a study to establish a connection between vaccines and excess deaths. He, however, pointed to a Swiss study that concluded that “based on current medical trends and expected advancements, we conclude that COVID-19 is still driving excess mortality, both directly and indirectly … In the long term, lifestyle factors that contribute to your metabolic health and lead to obesity and diabetes may become another compounding factor in population excess mortality. Insurers may wish to continue to monitor excess mortality and its underlying drivers in the general population closely, as well as the differences between general and insured populations”.

As is evident from this study, officialdom continues to blame COVID-19 infections and lifestyle decisions for the deaths even though 99% of all the persons who had COVID-19 recovered. They refuse to factor in the elephant in the room, the COVID vaccine. 

What is patently clear is that the vaccine was virtually worthless. While no one regrets not taking the vaccine, Vincentians, too many to count, have expressed extreme regret about taking the vaccine. Others are outraged that they were forced to inject that toxic substance into their body. Still, others testify to their suffering, hospitalisation and death of loved ones who took the vaccine.

This government’s pig-headed insistence that people take an experiment vaccine, its dismissal of hundreds of workers and support for private sector boss who fired workers, its appeal of Justice Henry’s thorough and thoughtful decision which declared the vaccine mandate illegal, ultra vires, unconstitutional and disproportionate leave Vincentians with a most potent redress. To issue a massive punishment to this government whenever the next elections are called.

SVG is for sale

Our country is not just open for business, as our government wants us to believe. The country is for sale and to hell with citizens’ interests and aspirations.

Proof of this fire sale and the sell-out notion of development was recently on display in the newspapers. The Physical Planning and Development Board notified the nation that RAINFOREST SEAFOODS SVG LTD plans to construct a new commercial building (seafood market) at Calliaqua.

There is already a fish market at Calliaqua. Local fishermen ply their trade by fishing in the deep sea in sun or rain, returning to the market to sell their catch. Why would the government even consider an application from Rainforest to compete with local fishers? 

Is this why there is an announcement that the government is giving away EC$2 million to fisher folk across the country? Is this “gift” a bribe to keep our fishers and others of goodwill quiet?

Whatever the reason, Rainforest should not be allowed to compete with our fisher folks. The concessions already granted to the Rainforest are more than enough. 

When we place the government’s actions and decisions in context, the giveaway of prime agricultural lands to Rayneau, the overly generous concessions to foreign concerns, the dredging off Brighton Bay and the possible effects on Rawacou, you would have to be woefully and willingly blind not to recognise and acknowledge that this government cares little about the citizens who elected it to office and more about its local and foreign friends.

*Jomo Sanga Thomas is a lawyer, journalist, social commentator and a former Speaker of the House of Assembly in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

The opinions presented in this content belong to the author and may not necessarily reflect the perspectives or editorial stance of iWitness News. Opinion pieces can be submitted to [email protected].

7 replies on “Heart attacks and the fire sale of SVG”

  1. I do not understand how governments are not for their people but for some thing or someone else. Who bewitched them?

  2. Christian Anderson says:

    The first part of this article is dangerously scandalous. Mr J. Thomas knows nothing about immunology, about pathology (cause of death), and the usefulness about vaccines. Over 6 billion persons took the vaccine worldwide. Astrazenaca has been removed from circulation. Vaccines are NOT toxic substances. Vaccines has saves 20 million lives in the world wide. Antivax advocates should NOT be given so much “air time “. They are dangerous to the general health of our society. The covid19 pandemic is now in the past. We no longer wear facial masks.

  3. A simple search reveals that although heart disease (ischemic) and heart attacks (myocardial infarction) are related, they are not the same. Were high rates of obesity and diabetes, leading causes of heart disease, present in the West Indies prior to the COVID-19 vaccine? an article published in 2009 suggests so. Can the author site the statistic that “99% of all the persons who had COVID-19 recovered.”? If “officialdom” concludes that COVID-19 caused deaths, what qualifications does the author have to make an alternative solution?

  4. Wondering if the person of the second comment ever heard the yellow card covid bill from the parliament in the UK? I hope if someone still have it to please let him listen to it, then he can say that some vaccine that some vac has adverse effects, whether immediate, or long term. Hope he get to listen to it.

  5. Gabriel, I have never argued that Myocarditis and heart disease are the same thing. A simple google search will reveal that Myocarditis can and do lead to heart disease. No one seriously argues that lifestyle diseases such as obesity and diabetes may not trigger heart diseases. The issue is the rapid increase since 2021 when the vaccines were rolled out. To conclude that it was happening before and therefore an increase is logically related to lifestyle illnesses is unscientific to say the least.

    Officialdom has lost whatever respect or authority it had on this issue. The massive scare campaign, sometimes by force to get people to take the poison ensure that officialdom lost little credibility it had left.

    I believe you forgot the minute-by-minute tracker that was on all televisions during the plandemic. They all showed infections and death. The overwhelming majority of people who caught covid recovered. The biggest crime of all is that children and very young people who were least likely to contract and transmit covid were given the poison all to the chagrin of their parents.

    Finally, to me it’s more than passing strange that the government made the number of deaths from 2021 a state secret. Do you trust the numbers that ‘officialdom’ released?

  6. Dr Anderson I claim little or no knowledge of immunology and pathology. However, I have read extensively the work of outstanding doctors in the field such as Peter Mc Collough, Robert Malone, Geert Vanden Bossche et al. I have also read research published in respected journals such as New England journal of medicine and Lancet where doubt was raised on the effectiveness and safety of the Covid vaccine. I also read the Great Barrington Declaration Published in August 2020 which pointed to a course of action that governments could and should have taken. The Stanford immunologist Dr Jay Bhattacharya wrote and spoke extensively on these issues. Do you know more immunology than he does. He and other imminent doctors and Virologists like Vaden Bossche correctly predicted the horror.

    To address your response directly, why was AstraZeneca removed? It was because of the increasing adverse events including death and the mounting volume of lawsuits.

    You are building a straw man and attempting to push him over. I never spoke in general about the efficacy or safety of vaccines in general. My issue is with the covid vaccine even though I think the jury is out on the issuance of vaccines and the rapidly increasing cases of auto immune illnesses.

    You would love to have the public sphere for your one-sided views. Let’s open the marketplace of ideas to debate and let people decide. It is the attempt to sideline and shut down contrarian voices that brought the medical establishment into disrepute. It may never regain the confidence of people again.

    It is easy for you to say the plandemic has passed. We need to count the damage. Can it be properly estimated. Some need to be in jail.

    Finally, do you know of another vaccine where within days after it is forced on the population those who took it are repeatedly infected by the same illness?

  7. Personally, I took three vaccines for covid19 and I knew people who died from covid19 who didn’t thats why I believe vaccines saved a lot of lives. There are people who are against vaccines because of some notion it is an experiment, well, everybody entitled to their opinion.

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