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All aboutDave Ames

A stray dog, once a problem for managers of Buccament Bay Resort, roams freely on Buccament Bay on Dec. 12, 2017, two days to a year since the resort closed amidst a myriad of problems, including the non-payment of workers’ wages, and its electricity bill. Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves said on Monday that he is expecting a heads of agreement to be signed this week. (iWN photo)

PM ‘expecting’ Buccament Resort heads of agreement to be signed this week

Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves on Monday said he is “expecting” that the entity that is “purchasing” Buccament Bay Resort will sign a deal with the trustees in bankruptcy this week. iWitness News…

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BBC confronts Ames on UK flight — source

KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent, March 20, IWN – It seems that the BBC team making the Panorama programme about Harlequin does not reserve its door-stepping and on-board aircraft tactics for leaders…

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