ST. VINCENT: – Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves is confident that the “disagreement” between contractors and owner of the Buccament Bay Beach Resort would be sorted out soon and the 1,000 employees would return to work.
The EC$250 million, 1000-room project is slated to soft launch on July 1 but the construction workers were sent home on Monday.
He Gonsalves the situation resulted from a “challenge, difficulty, and disagreement” between the contractors and Harlequin Resorts.
“You have a project of this type, it is expected that you would have difficulties from time to time,” he said, noting a similar situation between the investors and a previous contractor.
Gonsalves chastised opposition New Democratic Party (NDP) activists, whom, he said, were circulating information that the project would end prematurely.
“But look at the lack of lack of patriotism by some people. They just want things to fail. What happen? They don’t love this country.” he said. (Go to the homepage to subscribe to I Witness-News)
“This is the motor vessel, the sailing ship SVG [St. Vincent and the Grenadines]. All of us are onboard. It is not a big sailing ship. It is a small one with 110, 000 persons,” he added.
He further said lawyers for both the contractor and Harlequin Resorts began meeting on Tuesday.
The Buccament Bay Beach Resort project began three years ago and is slated to become fully operational in 2012, at which time it is scheduled to employ 2000 people.
Gonsalves said the soft launch of 300 rooms might now take place in August.