The views expressed herein are those of the writer and do not represent the opinions or editorial position of iWitness News. Opinion pieces can be submitted to [email protected].
As I contemplate on events that took place prior to the general elections and events that are taking place presently, this question comes to mind. I know the answer to the question is largely dependent on one’s political views. However, it is my intention to present some arguments that will help us to arrive at a more conclusive answer concerning the question. It is my hope that we can engage in an enlightening and objective discussion.
Mr. Editor, first of all, I will like us to consider the results of the recently held general elections. These results show the ULP winning the elections eight seats to the NDP seven seats. And while we are aware that the NDP is disputing the results, reputable observers and organisations have already signed off on the said results. Is the NDP questioning the reputation of these external observers and organisations? Are they implying in any way that the ULP administration was able to somehow influence the decisions of all of those external observers and organisations? To my mind, this is almost an impossible task.
The NDP has already challenged the elections results in court. Why not wait on the court proceedings to take place? Why decide to embark on creating social unrest in the country? Have Mr. Eustace and his supporters considered the negative image that is being portrayed of our beloved country at home and abroad simply because he and others in his party decided to take certain actions to satisfy their lust for power?
I know that some NDP supporters will say that this is a deliberate strategy. However, they need to take into consideration the negative image and negative impact their actions can have on the economy. For example, the unstable political climate that they are trying to create can act as a deterrent for foreign direct investment, thus, further hindering the growth of our economy. Mr. Eustace, being an economist, will know this. Therefore, because of these adverse effects, I am asking Mr. Eustace to please reconsider this strategy. His acceptance or rejection of this advice, will tell me how much he really loves this country.
The other point I will like to make, Mr. Editor, is that I have been living in this country all of my life and in my opinion, it is a pretty safe place to live. Therefore, I am always appalled when I receive telephone calls from persons in the diaspora inquiring about my safety and the general safety of St. Vincent and the Grenadines because of something they saw on the Internet. I always give them the assurance that our country is pretty safe, despite the actions of a minority group who may want to portray otherwise. To this group of people who seems intent on creating chaos, how can you claim to love this country when your every action says otherwise? You need to bear in mind that the Internet is a tool that is very far reaching. It is also a source of news to people living in the diaspora; and very often, what they see, is what they believe. Therefore, I am asking, if you love this country as much as you claim, why would you want to create a negative image of it to the outside world?
This type of behaviour reminds me of the Biblical story of the woman who lost her child and decided to take her neighbour’s child. They went to King Solomon to settle the dispute and Solomon decided to cut the child in half and present each lady with a half of the child. Of course, the lady who wasn’t the mother of the child agreed to this while the real mother decided to forfeit the right to her child in order to prolong its life. Is the intent of the NDP and their supporters geared toward destroying St. Vincent and the Grenadines at all cost simply because they lost the elections? I do hope this isn’t the case.
In my opinion, the NDP would have to do some deep introspection and make some hard decisions. One of the decisions they will have to consider, as paradoxical as it may seem, is the issue of leadership. Do they continue with Mr. Eustace as leader even after he led them to four consecutive Electoral defeat? In my opinion, Mr. Eustace’s push to encourage social unrest at this time is an attempt at attaching some relevance to himself while at the same time distracting from the substantive matter, which happens to be his weak leadership style.
Leroy James
The opinions presented in this content belong to the author and may not necessarily reflect the perspectives or editorial stance of iWitness News. Opinion pieces can be submitted to [email protected].
It would have been just as easy to write a similar piece about whether Ralph Gonsalves and his ULP really love SVG, especially given the wasteful expenditure of hundreds of millions of borrowed dollars — only done for selfish political gain — on an unneeded airport at Argyle which will strangle us with debts for decades.
And what about putting thousands of able bodied persons on Poor Relief only to gain their vote on election day?
Too bad so few people — you including — fail to recognize that our main developmental problem is our dysfunctional, self-serving, tribal system of politics.
Can’t argue with you C.-ben.
Ralph has created a culture of:
“Get stuff free at election time without having to work…don’t worry future generations will pay for it!”…”All you have to do is vote for me.”
In a democracy we always get the government most people want.
Mr. Leroy James, my questions to you are: if you thin Mr Eustace have such poo leadership skills, why does he keep bringing his seat home for the NDP? And if you really think ha leadership skills are so poor, why don’t you get up off your bum, stop running your mouth, and show Mr Eustace what really strong leadership is? The problem with our people who think they know, they are always talking the talk but you give them the opportunity to walk the talk and they come up with all sorts of dumb reasons. You leave Mr Eustace alone. He’s a better leader than you and all the ones who told you to write this article put together. Coupled with that, he is honest and full of integrity. He has the skills that SVG needs and so deserves right now.
Reference your second paragraph, “just like Mr Mitchell sold the country to Ralph Gonsalves for way less than 30 pieces of silver (betrayal is a really bad thing), Mr Gonsalves, bought those groups of people to sign off, as you say, that the election was fair a squeaky clean. Were Rene Baptistery, Mr Rosé, Jennifer Richardson, the Barbadian fella, miss lady from the state-owned radio station and that other guy around the table on election night squeaky clean? Tell me with Jennifer and Rene calling one figure this minute and saying they call the wrong thing the next minute, Mr James, tell the country with your leadership skills, were they squeaky clean?
I would recommend that if you are going to come with bias commentaries, pleas sit in a corner, shut your mouth and keep your excellent leadership skills to yourself.
I find myself agreeing with the first two responses today…