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police investigation

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Police in Kingstown on Saturday said they are investigating a claim being circulated on social media that a group of men, said to be wanted in Trinidad and Tobago, are on the lose in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

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The Police Public Relations Department said there is a bulletin circulating on social media that a group of men, who are wanted by Trinidad’s authorities, have escaped to St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

“Our preliminary investigation shows that the bulletin being circulated over the past 24 hours was not issued by any department or unit of the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force.

“We have heard about it and we are working with our regional partners to ascertain the accuracy of the information.

“In the meantime, the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force is appealing to the public to desist from spreading inaccurate information that can cause alarm.”

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One reply on “Police investigate claim that wanted Trinidadians on loose in SVG”

  1. KaribbeanKat says:

    They saw it on the internet, I thought the comrade said that place is full of internet crazies.

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