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Joel Bascombe, centre, along with is study buddies, at left, Susan Joachim, his mother, Donna Job and his landlady.
Joel Bascombe, centre, along with is study buddies, at left, Susan Joachim, his mother, Donna Job and his landlady.
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Throughout his primary and secondary school years, his journey imitating “the doctor” was a constant reminder of his life goal.

Then, Community College gave him the appropriate requirements into the pre-med programme, which he took for two terms at Trinity School of Biomedical Sciences in May of 2019. 

And, on Jan. 10, Vincentian Joel Bascombe, officially joined the Class of 2023 of Trinity School of Medicine at its white coat ceremony. 

A white short coat placed on the shoulders of a medical student by members of the faculty who are responsible for his training along the journey towards becoming a physician.

It signifies the institution’s faith in the student’s ability to stay the course to which he has committed.

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In reflecting on pre-med, Bascombe said: “It wasn’t a very easy journey: nothing good comes easy.  A lot of times I had to re-evaluate myself but I had a lot of encouragement.  The lecturers here have been helpful.  I spent so much time one-on-one with them doing my last project in pre-med, without feeling as if I was intruding.  I had a ‘squad’ for whom I’m very thankful: Azaria, Akeema, and Mamud.  We studied together for a lot of our courses and we pulled each other through.  We were all for one.”

The white coat received at the commencement of the medical programme also symbolises Bascombe’s qualification to study for the Doctor of Medicine (MD), which includes early clinical rotations at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital. 

Bascombe is not daunted. 

“The pre-med is really geared to prepare students for the MD programme,” he said.

“I think I’ve already got my studying habits on par and understand what is required of me.  I just have to put back in that effort, this time twice more!  If I ever find myself at a point where I think I’m not doing as well as I should, I will simple re-evaluate myself and start hitting again because in medicine, there is never a time to give up.  I know I have the potential and if I wouldn’t give up on a patient, then why should I give up on myself?”

This resolve is constantly encouraged by a number of persons.

Bascombe mentioned, among them, his mother, Donna Job, who he said  has been there for him from day one, and Susan Joachim, a member of his church.

“My mom is not rich or anything and there have been times when we have been on our low-low but she has done everything she possibly could to keep me in school and encourage me.  Even when she could not physically help me with work, her motivation never stopped.  I’m the first person in my family to go to university and she uses me as a role model for my siblings.  She is as proud as ever!”

Bascombe said of Joachim:

“I met her a few years ago while transitioning from college into the workforce and she has really been by my side and, along with Archbishop Jason Gordon, has been very instrumental in getting me from where I was to where I am now.  They’ve checked up on me constantly.  I couldn’t get to this point without them!”  

Now, as his journey has reached its pinnacle, Bascombe is resolved to conquer it just like all the others portions. 

“I often remember the situations which I came from and the situation I am in now, and you often find that these broken situations that we’re sometimes born into act as the catalyst that pushes us into great things.  I just have to keep on pushing!”

Bascombe has a “never-say-never” approach to his dream and is confident that this, and his philosophy of “try, fail, get up, try again”, will see him to its realisation.  

2 replies on “Vincy medical student one step closer to his dream”

  1. Fr. E. Ulric C-Jones says:

    Joel, I read your story and am very proud of you and your resolve. May God continue to guide you in your future endeavours.

    “Drive the nail aright boy, hit it on the head
    Strike with all your might boy, while the iron’s red
    When you’ve work to do boy, do it with your will
    He who reach the top boy, first must climb the hill

    Standing at the foot boy, gazing at the sky
    How can you get up boy, if you never try
    ‘Though you stumble oft boy, never be down cast
    Try and try again boy, you’ll succeed at last”


    Fr. E. Ulric C-Jones

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